What is an ETA and Why Would I Want to See a TV Show About Them?


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By Shark-Eating Man Productions

What IS an “ETA” and Why Would I Want To See A TV Show

About Them?

An “ETA” is an Elvis Tribute Artist; someone who performs the music of Elvis Presley as close to the same voice, style, and mannerisms as possible.

But, there is so much more to their stories…

There are over 50,000 registered Elvis Tribute Artist in the United States, yet less than a few hundred can afford to do it full-time…

Most travel many, many miles to work an event…

…that often pays very little…

…or nothing at all…

…while many are driving on “Maypop” tires; tires that “may pop”- anywhere, at anytime…

…most ETA’s rehearse their music for very long hours…

…even after working their full-time job…

…while other ETA’s have other challenges in their lives; one is blind, while another raises a special needs child. Some are military veterans with post-war injuries and effects.

So, why do these ETA’s go through so much just to bring the music of Elvis to life?

Is it for the fans?


Is it because of they like the music?

That’s a big part of it, yes…

…but mostly, it’s because…

…they “Just Like Elvis”!

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