Aquatic Plant Management Method


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Muslima P. LiwalugMIB 1

Impair recreational activities Provide too much shelter for small fish and reduce

predation Fish kills Impart foul tastes and odors to water Can impede water flow in drainage ditches, irrigation

canals, and culverts and cause water to back up Traps sediment and debris Provide the quiet water environment Lessens aesthetic appeal and lowers property values Destroy stands of native vegetation

Mat-forming algae typically begin around the edges and bottoms of bodies of water in the spring.

A bloom of microscopic blue-green algae can cause a surface scum.

Often incorrect called moss, mat-forming algae are a common problem on ponds.

Algae: Chara Chara Leaves

1. Hand pulling

2. Raking plants

3. Sawboat > Motor-driven weed harvesters with underwater cutting blades

Muslima P. Liwalug

1. Gangstad, E.O., Potential Growth of Aquatic Plants in the Republic of the Philippines and Projected Methods of Control

2. Joshi, R.C., Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Concerns and Status in the Philippines

3. Lembi, C.A., Identifying and Managing Aquatic Vegetation

4. Washingston State University, Aquatic Vegetation Management and Control
