Landscape-scale management for sustainable development


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THINKING beyond the canopyTHINKING beyond the canopy

Terry SunderlandPrincipal ScientistPresentation to IPB/Forest Information Centre1st June 2016Bogor, Indonesia

Landscape-scale management for sustainable development

THINKING beyond the canopy

What do we mean by landscapes?• Landscapes are often

fuzzy concepts – they are not planning units

• “A geographical construct that includes not only the biophysical components of an area but also the social, political, institutional and cultural components of that system”

THINKING beyond the canopy

Development of the “Landscape Approach”

1980s 1990s 2000s 2010 - present

1980s: Integrated Rural Development 1998: Integrated

Natural Resource Management (INRM)

1985 onwards: Integrated Conservation & Development projects (ICDPs)

Contributing Sciences:Ecosystem ManagementLandscape EcologyIsland biogeography

Conservation rooted frameworks e.g. “Ecosystem Approach”

1992: “Landscape Approach” first documented (Barrett 1992)

(Integrated) Landscape Approach frameworks

THINKING beyond the canopy

What are integrated landscape approaches?

• A response to the failings of sectorial land management approaches

• The latest in a series of attempts to concurrently address conservation, development and restoration challenges

• A refinement of previous approaches• A method to integrate stakeholders at multiple

scales• A framework to integrate policy and practice• A land management strategy to fulfill social,

economic, ecological & cultural objectives, including forest restoration

• A tool to assess performance and manage trade-offs within the landscape

• All of the above?

THINKING beyond the canopy

Shooting in the dark..?

• Large body of literature on “landscape approaches” and “ecosystem approaches” but little consensus on the “how” of implementation

• General principles and guidelines have largely been missing• However, need to avoid “one size fits all” approach. Context is

everything: there is no silver bullet.• Complex landscapes; complex challenges

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Multi-functionality• Combination of separate

land units with different functions (spatial segregation)

• Different functions on the same unit of land but separated in time (temporal segregation)

• Different functions on the same unit of land at the same time (functional integration or “real multi-functionality)

THINKING beyond the canopy

But in reality, segregation is the norm

Plantation Forest


THINKING beyond the canopy

“New” (landscape) approaches• CIFOR and multiple partners have been working on defining

and refining broad “landscape approaches” building on previous initiatives

• How? Review of published literature, multiple workshops for consensus building, conferences/side events (Global Landscapes Forum), site-based workshops

• Validated by extensive survey of field practitioners, systematic reviews etc.

• Based on this work, the Convention of Biodiversity (CBD) commissioned CIFOR to draft the report: “Sustainable use of biodiversity at the landscape scale” which was “taken note” of at COP11 in Hyderabad

• “Ten principles” paper (Sayer et al. PNAS) + others

THINKING beyond the canopy

So, what is new?• The landscape approach has been

re-defined to include societal concerns related to conservation and development trade-offs and negotiate for them

• Increased integration of poverty alleviation goals

• Increased integration of agricultural production and food security

• Emphasis is on adaptive management, stakeholder involvement and multiple objectives

THINKING beyond the canopy

Landscapes and “management”• Collecting socio- economic

data at various levels, engaging key stakeholders

• Spatial data: administrative boundaries, land cover change and current land uses

• “Governance landscape” including local (traditional) institutions

• Focus on ecosystem services and agricultural productivity; moving away from protected areas alone

THINKING beyond the canopy

The “Ten Commandments”...?

THINKING beyond the canopy

Sayer et al. 2013 PNAS

THINKING beyond the canopy

Getting the message out

THINKING beyond the canopy

THINKING beyond the canopy

Initial outcomes and impacts?

• USD50 million USAID project LESTARI have used the “ten principles” as an intervention framework for six landscapes in Indonesia

• Conservation International used CIFOR’s research in the design of their Sustainable Landscapes Partnership

• Wildlife Conservation Society have begun to implement landscape approaches as advised by CIFOR on the Asia Programme

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• World’s largest science-led platform on sustainable land use, identifying integrated landscape-based solutions

• 148 organizations sharing knowledge• 12 new initiative launches • 12 private sector-led sessions

• 3,200 participants• 1 President, 3 former Presidents• 18 Ministers and Vice Ministers, 8

Governors and regional leaders• 200 indigenous peoples’ reps, 50

youth innovators, 650 UNFCCC negotiators

• Social media reach 15.7 million people on Twitter, 957 GLF mentions in media

• Participant feedback: 96% rate Forum as successful or very successful

Global landscapes forum - Paris

Ministers pledged to restore 128 million ha of degraded lands in Africa and Latin America.

Watershed initiatives by 75 cities and regions

THINKING beyond the canopy

Aligning implementation pathways for SDG’s

SDG Sustainable Development Goal Description L.A applicability

1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere Important2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved

nutrition and promote sustainable agricultureImportant

3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Relevant/Not applicable

6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all


7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


THINKING beyond the canopy

Aligning implementation pathways for SDG’s

SDG Sustainable Development Goal Description L.A applicability

9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation


10 Reduce inequality within and among countries Relevant11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,

resilient and sustainableRelevant

12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources


15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems


16Promote peace and justice Not applicable

17Strengthen partnerships for sustainable development Relevant

THINKING beyond the canopy

Challenges of the landscape approach

• Understanding complex systems is not straightforward• Understanding and influencing underlying trajectories of change• Functionality of landscape mosaics• The landscape approach is different to spatial planning. Landscapes are

dynamic and subjective. Different people see them in different ways.• Trade-offs are the norm and have to be negotiated• There is no “end point” or best solution for a landscape – one can simply

intervene to avoid negative outcomes and favour potentially better ones

THINKING beyond the canopy

Some (final) tricky issues• What are we actually

trying to achieve?• Who decides?• Strong (and trusted)

facilitation• How to reconcile and

negotiate for trade-offs?• How to predict outcomes

and understand “landscape dynamics”?

• Landscape approach is a process, not a project!

THINKING beyond the canopy

