Low Carbon South West - WECC - Buildings and Behaviour - April 2014



An update from the WECC network including case studies on how WECC members are implementing technical and behavioural changes.

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Jessica Ferrow

WECC Project Coordinator

Low Carbon South West

What is WECC?

A network of businesses and organisations in the Bristol and Bath region that are working to be more sustainable

Works like a fitness club...

Going green can be difficult if you’re going it alone!

What do we do?

• Networking events

• Sharing best practice

• Expert speakers

• Use of EnergyDeck

• Workplace tours

• Case studies

Just some of our members

Some case studies on what our members are doing....

Parsons Brinckerhoff Blueshoots initiative -

sustainability teams in each office

“Bin the Bin” campaign to encourage recycling

“Smart travel” initiative - all car travel via a new hire car which tracks carbon and emissions

Online training for staff in sustainability issues

Pukka Herbs Measuring: Using Energydeck to

measure progress in office

Engaging staff: Inductions for new staff instil sustainability values

Staff travel: Encouraging video conferencing, car share and providing staff cycling facilities

Pukka Herbs is achieving 50% year on year growth so sustainability and efficiency are of utmost importance!

Buro Happold

Global engineering consultancy

Cutting air travel emissions with video conferencing

Live demo at last WECC event!

Back to the Planet

Lightweight LED Studio Lights to replace heavy heat- emitting Tungstens

Energy efficient TV screens for playing out films

Office improvements including energy efficient appliances and computers

Building a network of green businesses in Bristol...

Why join?

WECC Networking Events


WECC Carbon Champions – awards planned for Summer 2014

Positive PR

Coming soon... Step by step guide on

running your own internal green week

Developing now with Stride Treglown and Business West

Will be ready for BIG Green Week

(14 – 23 June 2014)

Bristol European Green Capital

Join WECC today – it’s free!

Jessica Ferrow, Low Carbon South West

Jessica.ferrow@lowcarbonsouthwest.co.uk | 0117 945 8730


Twitter: @WECC_Co2
