The Importance of Tree Pruning


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The Importance of Tree Pruning

John Sulzbach, Killingworth CT

Introduction A resident of Killingworth, CT, John Sulzbach

serves as plant manager at Astroseal Products. Also a graphic designer and carpenter has been in the tree industry since 2013, when he obtained his Connecticut arborist license. Beginning this year, John Sulzbach will be registering a new tree business named Proper Tree. Proper Tree will serve the Killingworth, CT, area in the pruning and removal of trees as well as tree health and tree danger assessment.

Tree Prunning Businesses like Proper Tree provide a great

contribution to the environment, as pruning trees is key to their beauty and health. Also, a tree with dead or broken branches can be hazardous, as the limbs can fall off or obstruct drivers’ vision. An infected tree can even be saved by proper pruning if all of the infected branches and limbed are pruned away. Those who are considering pruning a tree should remember that pruning is usually done during a tree’s dormant season, except for when a tree’s branches are hazardous.
