Food Trends Volume 6 - Dietz & Watson

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Food Trends Volume 6 - Dietz & Watson

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D i e t z & Wa t s o n | 0 9 . 2 2 . 1 4 | f o o d t r e n d s v o l u m e 6

quench • We are food- + beverage-focused.

• We embrace a modern media-driven

communications philosophy.

• We propel brands by listening, guiding

and owning conversations.

| q u e n c h

Leap Research & Innovation

• market research + innovation company

(sister company of quench)

• systematic innovation process for repeatable

success• define• discover• ideate• evaluate

| q u e n c h

the trends • food hacks• alternative proteins• the new community center• digital tastes• extreme makeover: vending edition

| q u e n c h

f ood hacks

| q u e n c h

food hacks Whether out of necessity or novelty,

we’re constantly looking for new ways of

doing things. When it comes to new ways

to prepare and enjoy food, the only limits

are our imaginations.

| q u e n c h

| q u e n c h

| q u e n c h

classifi cations of food hacks

• food preparation• where and how it’s consumed• food as utility

| q u e n c h

food preparation

Keurig single-cup coffee

makers have been hacked to

make cocktails, oatmeal and


| q u e n c h

where and how it’s consumedBrands are embracing food

hack culture. Fritos, Kraft and

Oreo have all enjoyed

increased usage occasions,

incremental sales and a rise

in talk value, thanks to food


| q u e n c h

food as utility

Food is being hacked to

improve skin, start fires,

whiten teeth

and clean the house.

| q u e n c h

food hacks are growing

| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?


| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?


| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?



| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?



| q u e n c h

what you can do

• Know how fans are using your product.• Make your sandwich the right way.• Suggest kid-friendly lunch sandwiches.• Science proves a diagonally cut sandwich is superior.• Ditch the bread.

• Share any non-traditional ways to prep or enjoy your


• Treat your fans as an extension of your R&D team.

• Reward and encourage fan contributions.

| q u e n c h

a l te rna t i ve p ro te ins

| q u e n c h

alternative proteins

Our obsession with high-protein diets is

evolving from traditional, animal-based

proteins to more plant-based and

unconventional sources.

| q u e n c h

o f U .S . consumers want more p ro te in i n the i r d i e t


S o u r c e : N P D G r o u p , 2 0 1 4

S o u r c e : N P D G r o u p , 2 0 1 4

S o u r c e : F A O , 2 0 1 0


Ancient grains such as

polenta, bulgur, farro,

tempeh, seitan and more are

becoming increasingly

popular as meat-free protein


| q u e n c h


Beyond Meat is a meat-free

protein alternative whose

mission is to create mass-

market solutions to replace

animal protein with plant

protein. The product has been

able to replicate the taste and

texture of traditional meat.

| q u e n c h


Hampton Creek Foods

believes there is a healthier,

more economical and more

sustainable way to meet our

dietary fulfillment of protein.

| q u e n c h


Insect-based proteins may

seem a little out there, but

cricket-based energy bar

manufacturer Chapul just

received a major back by

Mark Cuban on ABC’s

“Shark Tank.”

| q u e n c h


Farm 432 is an at-home,

kitchen top appliance to

harvest insects for

supplemental protein in

our diets.

| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?


| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?



| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?


| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?



| q u e n c h

what you can do

• Ride the protein bandwagon.

• Cheese products may be unexpected sources of protein

for many consumers.

• Position your product as a more cost-efficient source of


versus beef and pork.

• Explore sustainability in your supply chain.

| q u e n c h

the new commun i ty cen te r

| q u e n c h

the new community


Increased competition, both within and

outside of traditional channels, is pushing

grocers to evolve their business models.

| q u e n c h


s h a re l o s t o v e r t h e p a s t 1 0 y e a r s t o o t h e r c h a n n e l s

cooking classes

Cooking classes, like those

offered through Publix

Aprons, give shoppers the

opportunity to learn a new

technique or skill.

| q u e n c h

in-store dieticians

In-store dieticians are at

shoppers’ service, helping to

make sense of all the

complexities of eating right.

| q u e n c h

wellness classes

Grocers are even partnering

with local health systems,

offering wellness classes that

extend beyond nutrition.

| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?



| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?



| q u e n c h

what you can do

• Cooking classes are largely unbranded; consider sponsoring

themed and/or seasonal classes with your product.

• Educate in-store dieticians of the healthy attributes of your

products – gluten-free, no additives, low-sodium.

• Be aware of the growing influence in-store dieticians have

on consumer purchasing behaviors.

• Know the classes being offered through a store’s

community center, and explore co-promo opportunities.

| q u e n c h

d ig i ta l t as tes

| q u e n c h

digital tastes Food and technology are coming together

like never before, changing the way food

looks, feels, is ordered, paid for, prepared


even consumed.

| q u e n c h

classifi cations of digital


• tangible• convenient• knowledgeable

| q u e n c h


The Foodini is an at-home 3D

printing appliance that aids in

food preparation. The Foodini

is currently seeking start-up

funding through Kickstarter to

bring the unit to the masses.

| q u e n c h


The Foodini is an at-home 3D

printing appliance that aids in

food preparation. The Foodini

is currently seeking start-up

funding through Kickstarter to

bring the unit to the masses.

| q u e n c h


Researchers have created a

“digital lollipop” that has


able to emulate certain

taste sensations.

| q u e n c h


Terminal F at the Philadelphia

Airport provides a technology-

enhanced experience where

diners can order, check out

and even track the status of

their flights and car rentals.

| q u e n c h


Five Wendy’s locations on

Staten Island have embraced

a drive-through payment

system that utilizes EZ Pass


| q u e n c h


Domino’s and Ford have

partnered to allow for hands-

free ordering through the

vehicle’s SYNC system.

| q u e n c h


An MIT student developed

Cheers, smart ice cubes that

change color to indicate when

you’ve had too much to drink.

| q u e n c h


Near field communication

is on the fringe of becoming a

major distributor of

location-based coupons.

| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?


| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?


life easier

| q u e n c h

what you can do

• Pay attention to emerging trends in technology.

• Identify ways technology can enhance a product’s


and experiment.

• Determine whether technology can simplify the ordering

or preparation

of your product.

• Explore ways to deliver coupons or other utility via

near field technology.

| q u e n c h

ext reme makeover : vend ing ed i t i on

| q u e n c h

extreme makeover:

vending edition

Often associated with unhealthy eating,

desperation and shame, vending machines are

getting makeovers that earn descriptions such as

fresh, gourmet, luxurious and entertaining.

| q u e n c h

49%f o r e c a s t e d C A G R b e t w e e n 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 6

vending categories

• Gourmet-to-Go• fresh food• marketing machines

| q u e n c h


Beverly Hills Caviar LA

locations dispense $500

caviar by appointment only.

| q u e n c h


Sprinkles introduced New York

to its own cupcake ATM,

dispensing gourmet cupcakes


| q u e n c h

fresh food

Farmer’s Fridge is canning

salads in mason jars for

vending in Chicago.

| q u e n c h

fresh food

The first of several by The

Box Brands, Burrito Box

dispenses fresh, unfrozen

burritos as well as free Wi-Fi

for those waiting.

| q u e n c h

marketing machines

Oreo launched a 3D cookie

printer vending machine

powered by Twitter, with

flavors based on trending

Twitter topics.

| q u e n c h

marketing machines

Coca-Cola is combining

refreshing beverages with

unique experiences –this one

surprises couples with

moments of happiness for a

Valentine’s Day dance and

lights display.

| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?



| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?


| q u e n c h

what’s driving this trend?


| q u e n c h

what you can do

• Take advantage of smart vending technology.

• Think about where your product typically can’t be

enjoyed, then ask “why not?”

• Consider the use of smart vending as part of a limited-


social, sampling or publicity program.

• Use smart vending machines to manage inventory and


data about dates, times and demos of purchasers.

| q u e n c h

about quench • We are food- + beverage-focused.

• We embrace a modern media-driven

communications philosophy.

• We propel brands by listening, guiding and

owning conversations.

| q u e n c h

D i e t z & Wa t s o n | 0 9 . 2 2 . 1 4 | f o o d t r e n d s v o l u m e 6
