20140531臺灣政府臺南州 臺灣自治與臺灣人獨立自主研討說明會-ppt


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  3. 3. 2014327 6:10
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  9. 9. Mr. Alan Grayson (Florida)
  10. 10. Bismarck says that politics is the art of the possible, and I think that foreign affairs should be the same way. []
  11. 11. It is not possible for us to reverse the Russian absorption of Crimea, nor should we try to defeat the aspirations of the Crimeans for self-determination.
  12. 12. On the other hand, by the same token, we should support, and we should continue to support the desire of the Taiwanese to be a free and separate statenot being part ofor absorbed by the larger country, its neighbor, China.
  13. 13. There are 20 million plus Taiwanese who have a separate culture, in many cases, separate language.
  14. 14. It certainly has a separate history, having been occupied by the Japanese for over a half of a century.
  15. 15. The Taiwanese are fundamentally different and recognize themselves as fundamentally different from their larger, in fact, 100 times larger neighbor. 100
  16. 16. Therefore, we can, and should support their desire for self-determination.
  17. 17. Weve done so going back to the 1940s, and I think we should continue to do so. It is possible for Taiwan to be free and independent. 1940 ---
  18. 18. It is possible for us to make that happen. And I think we should continue to do so.
  19. 19. Daniel R. RusselR ( )
  20. 20. Testimony of Daniel R. Russel Assistant Secretary of State Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs U.S. Department of State Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs April 3, 2014 Evaluating U.S. Policy on Taiwan on the 35th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act
  21. 21. 201443 R ( ) 35
  22. 22. Strengthening our relations with Taiwan and our longstanding friendship with the people on Taiwan remains a key element of the U.S. strategic rebalance to the Asia-Pacific.
  23. 23. U.S.-Taiwan relations are grounded in history, respect for democracy and human rights, respect for international rules and norms, a growing economic partnership, and enduring security cooperation.
  24. 24. Strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy also helps give our friends in Taiwan the confidence to strengthen their cross-Strait relations, as we have seen in recent years.
  25. 25.
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  27. 27.
  28. 28.
  29. 29. 2,352,3852007
  30. 30. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea
  31. 31. 2014316 317 97%
  32. 32. 318 321 411
  33. 33.
  34. 34. 1917-1921 1941 1944
  35. 35. 19452 1954 1985 19898
  36. 36. 1989119 198912 .
  37. 37. 1991 12 1991128
  38. 38. -20041031 50% 1121 1226 52% 44%2005123
  39. 39. 200685 201027 2013
  40. 40. 20141 2014222 5 25
  41. 41. 2014224 2014227 22 201435
  42. 42. 201436 316 G8316 201442
  43. 43. 2014
  44. 44. 2014 2014316 2014314
  45. 45. 2014316 97% 2014317
  46. 46. 317 318 21
  47. 47. 324 32710011 58 331 26 1600
  48. 48. 41 43 411
  49. 49. VS
  50. 50. :27,000 : 2402007 () 77% 10.1% 11.4% : 36,193 : 23382014 2.29% 65.5%-70.5% 17.5%-23.5% 7%-10% VS
  51. 51. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VS
  52. 52. 70% 90% VS ,,, ,,, (&) (7)
  53. 53. VS 70% -
  54. 54. 2014.03.17
  55. 55. 2014 ?
  56. 56. 2014.03.14 TRA35 : 2014.03.17 2014.03.18
  57. 57. 2014.03.25 (Alan Grayson) On the other hand, by the same token, we should support, and we should continue to support the desire of the Taiwanese to be a free and separate statenot being part ofor absorbed by the larger country, its neighbor, China.
  58. 58. (Ed Royce) Weve done so going back to the 1940s, and I think we should continue to do so. It is possible for Taiwan to be free and independent. 1940 --- It is possible for us to make that happen. And I think we should continue to do so.
  59. 59. 2014.04.03 DanielRussel autonomy Strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy also helps give our friends in Taiwan the confidence to strengthen their cross-Strait relations,
  60. 60. Autonomy (n) The New Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary 1) right of self-government 2freedom of the will 3self-governing community
  61. 61. Autonomy , 1916, , In the past few decades, a large movement of autonomism has emerged in the form of anarchism. In the United States government, autonomy refers to one's own self-governance. One former example of an autonomous jurisdiction into the United States government belong to the Philippine Islands ; the Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916 provided the framework for the creation of an autonomous government providing the Filipino people (Filipinos) broader domestic autonomy, though it reserved certain privileges to the United States to protect its sovereign rights and interests.
  62. 62. ?
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  64. 64. THE END
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  66. 66. Y.R.Toda
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  73. 73. Ha Le Li Ha Le La Ha Le Li Ha Le La Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Le Li Ha Le La
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  76. 76. Words &music DON BESIG
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  83. 83.
  84. 84. Saxophone
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  87. 87. Formosa Formosa
  88. 88. Formosa
  89. 89.
  90. 90. Formosa
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  98. 98. :
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  109. 109. ~~
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  114. 114. 35 ? ?
  115. 115. 35? 1. 2.- 3. core interests 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  116. 116.
  117. 117. 1949CIA [20136 91] 1949CIA 19493 () () () 1949
  118. 118. Treaty of Peace with Japan Signed at San Francisco, 8 September 1951 Initial entry into force: 28 April 1952 48
  119. 119. - Article 23 (a) The present Treaty shall be ratified by the States which sign it, including Japan, and will come into force for all the States which have then ratified it, when instruments of ratification have been deposited by Japan and by a majority, including the United States of America as the principal occupying Power, of the following States, namely Australia, Canada, Ceylon, France, Indonesia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Republic of the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America. The present Treaty shall come into force of each State which subsequently ratifies it, on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.
  120. 120. Chapter 7 Article 23 and by a majority, including the United States of America as the principal occupying Power
  121. 121. Article 27 The present Treaty shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America which shall furnish each signatory State with a certified copy thereof. IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty. DONE at the city of San Francisco this eighth day of September 1951, in the English, French, and Spanish languages, all being equally authentic, and in the Japanese language. For Argentina: Hiplito J. PAZ For Australia: Percy C. SPENDER For Belgium: Paul VAN ZEELAND SILVERCRUYS
  122. 122. 19787 27 The present Treaty shall be deposited in the archives of the United States of America.
  123. 123. - 1979128 217 410 1 1
  124. 124. 96 81979410 197911
  125. 125. AIT 968 1979410 197911 Core interests
  126. 126.
  127. 127. http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/taiwan-relations-act.html 197911
  128. 128. 1. 197911 2. 1. 2.
  129. 129. 1. 2. 197911
  130. 130. 1980 197911
  131. 131. 1995,1996
  132. 132. 95~ 96 1995 5 22 6 6 16 7 20 7 18 56 7 21 BallisticMissile, 156
  133. 133. 3 5 95 2010 12 25 15
  134. 134. 2013127 - 2014.02.19-21?Ed Royce Steve Chabot Brad Sherman) Joe Wilson Madeleine BordalloRandy Weber Luke MesserJoe Kennedy
  135. 135. Hearing on The Promise of the Taiwan Relations Act March 14,2014
  136. 136. 2014 2014.3,16 97% 317
  137. 137. 3262014 60
  138. 138. (Alan Grayson)2014-03-26
  139. 139. autonomy 04-03-2014
  140. 140.
  141. 141.
  142. 142.
  143. 143. 2013.08.01 81H.R.419 2013
  144. 144. ??
  145. 145. 04-30-2014
  146. 146.
  147. 147.
  148. 148. 1996( 2002 ECFA .,
  149. 149. (.,.) (....) 15
  150. 150. ( )+120 ":
  151. 151. 20130210
  152. 152.
  153. 153. 20130313 50
  154. 154. 1968
  155. 155. The area is potentially rich in oil and natural gas deposits; however, the estimates are highly varied. The Ministry of Geological Resources and Mining of the People's Republic of China estimate that the South China Sea may contain 17.7 billion tons of crude oil (compared to Kuwait with 13 billion tons). In the years following the announcement by the ministry, the claims regarding the South China Sea islands intensified.[3] However, other sources claim that the proven reserve of oil in the South China Sea may only be 7.5 billion barrels, or about 1.1 billion tons.[4] According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s profile of the South China Sea region, a U.S. Geological Survey estimate puts the region's discovered and undiscovered oil reserves at 28 billion barrels, as opposed to a Chinese figure of 213 billion barrels.[5] The same EIA report also points to the wide variety of natural gas resource estimations, ranging from 900 trillion cubic feet (25.5 trillion cubic meters) to 2 quadrillion cubic feet (56.6 trillion cubic meters).
  156. 156. 17.7 13] 7.51.1[ 4 ] EIA 28213 9000000 2550002 566000
  157. 157. 2012.08.03
  158. 158. ?
  159. 159.
  160. 160. +------ 5
  161. 161. 1978() 2011.O3.191925.10.27 Warren Christopher 9 ..
  162. 162. ...
  163. 163. ?
  164. 164. A I T
  165. 165. 2008420 AIT 2004-12-23 AIT 99
  166. 166. 194
  167. 167. AITDouglas H. Paal was the Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, Taipei Office, from 2002 to 2006. He assumed his duties in the spring of 2002.200412 22 9999198 200511 2011
  168. 168. 2009
  169. 169.
  170. 170. 20100528 Air Defence Identification ZoneADIZ
  171. 171. 311 ? AIT450? AIT? ? ??
  172. 172.
  173. 173.
  174. 174. 7 / 2013.10.05 02:29pm 7 11 102 847853 11
  175. 175.
  176. 176. 04-30-2014 Admiral Blair: There are more than one thousand of enlisted officers of US marine corps stationed in Taiwan (Note: the number is for reference only. Actual number unknown) I wouldnt worry about it. The United States prefers the western Pacific regions peaceful and stable. ......1,000 ....... ..
  177. 177. 20111020 9:59 () ()
  178. 178. 2012-06-03 6
  179. 179. 2012-06-21 http://www.ait.org.tw/en/20001219-pentagon-report-on- implementation... [] () The TRA obliges us to maintain the United States' capacity to resist any resort to force or coercion that would jeopardize the security of Taiwan. This obligation is consistent with America's overall strateg* in the region, our commitment to peace and stability, and our regional military posture. The Administration's commitment to maintaining approximately 100,000 troops in the region for the foreseeable future is well-known and widely appreciated throughout the region. The presence of 100,000 U.S. military personnel represents the capabilities of the U.S. Eighth Army and Seventh Air Force in Korea, III Marine Expeditionary Force and Fifth Air Force in Japan, and the U.S. Seventh Fleet. () 10 108 735
  180. 180. 2012-7-14
  181. 181. 20130315 2012-07-04 AIT
  182. 182. 2013.08.14
  183. 183. P-3C 12 2800 20130925
  184. 184. - P-3C
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  186. 186. Q & A
  187. 187. 4-15 711052397799
