Advanced Storytelling: Why Talking About Money Helps You Raise More


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Advanced Storytelling: Why Talking About

Money Helps You Raise More

10/13/16 1pm Eastern

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Before we get started »



Our guest presenter »Lori L. Jacobwith @LJacobwith

• nationally-recognized master storyteller and fundraising culture change expert

• 30+ years experience • helped nonprofit organizations raise $300M • 30+ years experience • author of Nine Steps to a Successful

Fundraising Campaign • co-author of The Essential Fundraising

Handbook for Small Nonprofits

Presenter: Lori L. Jacobwith, Founder, Ignited Fundraising

Advanced StorytellingWhy Talking About Money

Helps You Raise More

Thank You!




Who is Here Today?

Your City & Your Title

Lori L. Jacobwith

• 30 years in the social sector • Since 2001 has helped NPOs raise

$300 million from individual donors And counting

• June 2016: Named one of America’s Top 25 Fundraising Experts

• Master Storyteller, Fundraising Culture Change Expert, Author, Speaker, Trainer



What I Do

The Power of A Story

The Power of A Story

• 1 Staff • 12 Volunteers • $80,000 Budget • Screening 250 children

each year

What I inherited:• 5 Staff • 890 Volunteers • $1.2 million Budget • Screening 25,000

children each year

2 ½ years later:

What I Have For You• Fundraising vs Development • Secret to Nonprofit Success • Why Tell Stories? • 6 Steps to Craft Engaging Stories • Advanced Storytelling • Sharing YOUR Stories • Final Thoughts & Wrap Up

Before We Dive In

What Are YOU Looking For


Fundraising & Development

Fundraising The raising of assets and

resources from various sources for the support of an organization or a specific project.

~ Source: AFP Fundraising Dictionary, (Association of Fundraising Professionals)

The total process by which an organization increases public understanding of its mission…

~ Source: AFP Fundraising Dictionary, (Association of Fundraising Professionals)


Development: Everyone’s Job

How To Stand Out?

Talk About the Impact I Make Possible

Image Source: Volunteers of America

Secret to Nonprofit Success

The BIG Secret

Secret to Success for ANY Organization:

Communication Communication Communication


More than 50% of your donors stop giving for reasons

connected to a “failure to communicate.”

~ Penelope Burk & Cygnus Applied Research

Where To Focus Your Time

On Communication That Causes You To: • Really know key supporters • Share clear messages • Hold yourself & others

accountable • Continually invite participation

Why Tell Stories?

We “THINK” in story.

Every decision we make is based on a story we tell ourselves.

If we don’t feel something we can’t make a decision

“Pleasure is the central motivator in our lives.

Our brain’s pleasure circuits are activated by acts of


*Source: David J. Linden, Ph.D., professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

What Storytelling is NotIt’s not about how well YOU “tell” the story. It’s about how much passion you convey and the picture you paint with your words.

Image Source: Kentucky Arts Council

Stories of Your ImpactCreate unforgettable emotional connections

and Empathy


Sympathy creates distance

Image Source: Crusty Dolphin, Flickr

RememberEmpathy creates connections

Image source: Dubuque Art Museum Facebook page

50% of telling a great story

…is finding a great story to tell

Look for Mission MomentsMission Moment Definition: “Any short, inspirational, example of how your organization is making an impact.”

Must be about a real person.

Could be a donor, client, staff, volunteer, board member or you.

Tell Me A Story


Story or Report?

AFTER A BITTER DIVORCE, Margaret moved back to Arkansas from Texas. She came with her two children, aged 7 and 9, to be close to her family. Her circumstances left her in a financial bind, and her children needed physicals to get into school.Margaret turned to our clinic for her family’s medical needs. During the physicals, her son did not pass the vision screening. Margaret was relieved to learn she could bring him back in two weeks to see an optometrist and get a prescription for glasses paid for by the Star City LIONS club.Margaret is lucky -- she has a supportive family and has found work. She is also appreciative that her kids could be seen at our clinic. It makes getting started just a little easier.

Story Telling NOT

Fact Telling

Finding Powerful Stories• Open-ended questions. • Ask questions that gets “at” a story

but doesn’t feel like you are putting the person on the spot.

• The responsibility to “find” the story is yours. Ask more questions to glean the “nuggets” to build the story.

Module 4: Help Others Identify THEIR Mission Moments

Ask Questions: Staff: Who can’t you get off your mind? Clients: What was life like before us? Donors: Why do you give your $ or time to us? Vendors/Sponsors: Who have you met here that inspires you?

Your Mission Moment?

Image Source: Bethany House website

Six Steps to Craft Engaging Stories

Mission Moment to A Story

Six Step Process

Step 1:Identify one person.

Image Source: Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel Online

Six Step Process

Step 2:Learn & jot down as much about them as possible. Step 3:Write down all of the exact results.

Six Step Process

Step 4:Make a list of transformations due to your involvement and/or their own efforts

Six Step Process

Step 5:Circle the words that stand out and are emotionally connecting.

Pay Attention to Placement of Emotionally Connecting Words

Explosive energy Cautiously hopeful Gnarled hands Uncomfortably shy Smiled from ear to ear Unrestrained joy Yours?

Six Step Process

Step 6:

Fit the story into the framework. Share your story. Using various formats.


Simple Story FrameworkLet me tell you about…

[Insert name] had a life of…

Here’s why and how [name] found their way to us…


Simple Story FrameworkHere’s how [name] felt...

What [name] accomplished due to our [program name]…

And because of [examples of your work] [name] is now…


Module 5: Before And After

Advanced Storytelling

My “Secret Sauce”

Knowledge Alone Doesn’t Cause People to Take Action

Talk About Money to Raise More

Secrets We Keep From Donors

Programs costs. The difference between your “certain” and already received support & what you must raise to maintain quality programs.

Message PyramidWhat’s Missing?

The Need for Your Organization

Your Money Story

Program Info: Waiting Lists

One Person Example

Understanding comes from the

top down

Conversations come from the

bottom up

Money Story = Funding Gap

Source: Upstream Arts July 2013 eNews

What it TRULY takes to do your work this year - MINUS what you’ve already received from fees, contributions, grants, government funding, ticket sales, or?

Type into the box: YOUR funding gap remaining this year.

Share YOUR Funding Gap

If you don’t know, pledge to find out ASAP.

I Can’t (or don’t want to!) Do This!Comments from Others:

Just being honest. We are scared to death to tell people we have a funding gap of $225,000. We have NEVER talked about it before, we are worried that when we start telling people we have an $800k funding gap that they will think of us as a lost cause. How do we tell people we have a “funding gap” without scaring them away?

What can happen when you “speak the truth?”

Quote from Maggie Kuhn, see Facebook for her story

Share Clear Messages

Funding Gap Messages become a a KEY communication tool.

Chuck Meehan, CEO, Volunteers of America, N Louisiana with Melvin

Share Clear Messages

I wish you could meet Melvin…when he came to use he would talk about the organized “chaos” of his life…

Secrets We Keep From Donors

That their gift of any size really, truly, DOES matter.

Embraced People & Money Stories

✓Raised more money ✓Attracted more media attention ✓Gained more community and

corporate support, AND ✓Converted board members into

powerful, engaged ambassadors

June 2013

1st $1000 Gift!

Image source: CCRI

The Board Gets ON BOARD

Image source: CCRI

February 2014: Largest IndividualContribution to Date: $10,000

Image source: CCRI

Largest IndividualContribution to Date: $100,000+

Image source: CCRI

Sharing YOUR Stories

Module 6: Advanced Storytelling Checklist

1. Carefully build your engaging people story.

2. Include costs, per day/week/month.

3. Do not ask for money. 4. Infer there is more to do

with more resources.

Module 6: Advanced Storytelling Checklist

5. Share your combined people and “money story.”

6. Keep your money story short & factual.

7. Endings aren’t necessary for your story…

8. Repetition is!

Telling A Story. Any Story.

Ditch the notes/text Use pauses and voice inflection. Paint a picture with your words. Practice. Practice. Practice.

Remember: Support Moves TowardBoldness & ClarityOf Communication

Communicating With Stories“Find people who encapsulate what your core objective is all about – and convey their stories with power, genuineness, passion and humility.” ~ JD Lasica, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker & Journalist

Image Source:

Wrap Up



Fire Starters Blog:

Resources & Staying Connected

Lori L. Jacobwith Master Storyteller & Fundraising

Culture Change Expert

Closing ThoughtsWhat did you learn?

What will you do next?

Thank You!

Advanced StorytellingWhy Talking About Money

Helps You Raise More


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Is YOUR Board on Fire about Raising Money?

Wednesday, Nov. 2nd – 1:00pm Eastern

Susan Howlett
