Afghanistan foreign policy


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University : Pondicherry

Department : South Asian Studies

By : Mohammad Ata Roshangar

Date: 3-17-2015

The contents

A brief profile of Afghanistan

Definition of foreign policy

Basic principles and objectives of Afghanistan foreign policy

President Karzai’s foreign policy (2001-14)

National Unity Government (NUG) foreign policy priorities

A short profile of Afghanistan

Official Name :

I.R of Afghanistan

Population :32 m

Official languages :

Dari and Pashto

Political system :


Current President :

Dr. Ashraf Ghani

Currency : Afghani

Major Ethnic groups :

Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara

Uzbek and others

Literacy rate:

Female 32% male 62%

Sources :UNESCO, 2011

Definition of Foreign policy

Plan of action adopted by one nation in regards to its diplomatic dealings with other countries. Foreign policies are established as a systematic way to deal with issues that may arise with other countries.Read more:

Foreign policy refers to the sum total of principles, interests and objectives which a country promotes while interacting with other countries. Even though there are certain basic features of a foreign policy

it is not a fixed concept. The thrust of foreign policy keeps on changing according to changing international conditions.

Basic principles of Afghanistan’s foreign policy

preserving the:


national interests

territorial integrity

Non- interference

good neighborliness

mutual respect

equality of rights (article 8 of the constitution)


The state shall observe the United Nations Charter

The inter-state agreements, as well as international treaties to which Afghanistan has joined, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights...(article 7)

Afghanistan is determined to become a member of the family of pluralistic democracies; and a bridge between the Islamic World and the West, by pursuing a multilateral , cooperative and confident Foreign Policy.

Karzai’s foreign policy

neighboring countries

Regional Cooperation

Islamic World

United States

United Nations



Counter narcotics

Sustainable Development

Cooperation among civilizations

Neighboring countries

To create Balanced Relations

To be an equal partner

to be the catalyst for regional cooperation.

He was able to create a balanced relation both with Iran and Pakistan.

But he was failed to create a balance in his relations with regards to India and Pakistan

Regional Cooperation and Islamic World

Regional initiatives :

“Kabul Declaration on Good Neighborly Relations”, December ,2002.

SAARC membership ,2007

Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA)

Economic Cooperation Organization ( ECO )

Islamic world :

Strengthening relations with all Islamic states

Support Palestinian rights for self- determination

Value the role of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

United States of America

Afghanistan- US Strategic Partnership Agreement May 2012

cooperation in the fields of security, development, civil society, education, and regional as well as international issues. 2014-24

United Nations

• UN role in “ the Bonn Agreement , 2001

• UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) missions:

Aiding in Afghanistan's political transition process;

Supporting the organization of democratic elections;

Providing and coordinating humanitarian and development assistance;

Monitoring and coordinating efforts to protect and enforce human rights, particularly those of women and children;

Supporting the peace and reconciliation process; and

Advising and assisting the state in issues of governance and regional cooperation.

EU& NATOEU goals in Afghanistan include :• Promoting peace, security and regional stability;

• Reinforcing democracy;

• Encouraging economic and human development

• Fostering the rule of law and respect for human rights, in particular the rights of women.

Afghanistan receives more development aid from the EU and Member States than any other country.

NATO’s role :

• In short term , training, advice and assistance to the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF).

• In medium term ,continued financial support is being provided to sustain the ANDSF until the end of 2017.

• In long term , political consultations and practical cooperation in specific areas will be strengthened within the framework of the NATO-Afghanistan Enduring Partnership, signed in 2010.

Formation of National Unity Government Sept, 2014

Five circles of Afghanistan foreign policy

Afg- US Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA)

Key points :

The BSA goes into force on January 1, 2015 and remains in force "until the end of 2024 and beyond" unless it is terminated by either side with two years' notice.

The document itself does not establish how many U.S. troops can be in Afghanistan during that time, but U.S. President Barack Obama announced in May that there would be only 9,800 soldiers after December 31. He also said that number would decrease rapidly by being halved at the end of 2015 and reduced to only a vestigial force by end of 2016.

The Associated Press has reported that Washington's plan calls for fewer than 1,000 soldiers to remain after 2016 to staff a security office in Kabul advising the Afghan army.


The U.S. troops will not be the only foreign troops staying in Afghanistan.

Kabul signed a similar agreement with NATO on September 30 to allow 4,000 to 5,000

Additional troops mostly from

UK ,Germany, Italy, and Turkey

To stay in Afghanistan in a

noncombat role after 2014.

Why are the U.S & Nato soldiers staying?

The U.S. forces' mission under the BSA is to "enhance the ability of Afghanistan to deter internal and external threats against its sovereignty."

That includes "advising, training, equipping and sustaining" Afghanistan's National Defense and Security Forces, which are those under the ministries of defense and the interior, and "as appropriate," those of the National Security Directorate, which is a special counterterrorism office.

Importantly, however, the BSA says that "unless otherwise mutually agreed, United States forces shall not conduct combat operations in Afghanistan." Instead, the emphasis is upon supporting the Afghan forces, sharing intelligence, and strengthening Afghanistan's air force capabilities.

Similarly, the new NATO mission, which is led by the United States, will focus on training and support for the Afghan army and police, not on combat.

Will America Defend Afghanistan Against Third Countries?

The BSA is not a defense pact which would commit the United States to defending Afghanistan if it were attacked by another state. But the text does say Washington "shall regard with grave concern any external aggression or threat of external aggression.“

It also says that in the case of external aggression, Washington and Kabul would work together to develop "an appropriate response," including considering political, military, and economic measures.

Will the United States Maintain Military Bases In Afghanistan?

The BSA authorizes U.S. forces to maintain existing facilities and undertake new constructions so long as they are agreed upon by both sides.

The United States has repeatedly said it does not seek permanent bases in Afghanistan, despite claims by Karzai in May last year that Washington wanted nine bases and that he would not accept it.

Existing United States Military Bases In Afghanistan

Reconciliation with the Taliban

o President Ghani : peace is our highest priority and strategic goal .

o President Ghani ‘s initiatives for peace with the Taliban after resuming office in 20 Sept , 2014 :

o His first trip to Saudi Arabia to pursue Saudi’s to encourage Taliban for negotiation with Afghanistan government .

o His trip to China to convince this country to mediate as well as bring pressure on Pakistan to bring Taliban on negation table .

o His first visit to Pakistan and direct negation with the Pakistani generals in Rawalpindi to remove mistrust and facilitate peace process .

o His coming visit to Washington , there he will discus bilateral issues , peace and presence of American forces in Afghanistan.

Taliban’s Preconditions for peace talks

Complete withdrawal of foreign troops .

Release of their prisoners from American prisons

New constitution .


NUG has relatively been successful in its foreign policy since resuming office on Sept ,2014.

Its has to keep a smart balance in its regional as well as international relations .

For the first time in the last a decade Pakistan has shown some willingness to bring Taliban on negotiating table , but we have to see their actions than their words.

US and other International community supports is very important for stability and development of Afghanistan as well as the success of peace process
