ATS14- Creating and using good counting information- Roger Geller



As old as it is true, the statement “It doesn’t count unless it’s counted” can still vex planners and advocates wanting to make the case that active transportation programs and investments in their communities are effective. Krista Nordback will explain how jurisdictions can create robust bicycle and pedestrian count programs based on new guidance from the Federal Highway Administration’s Traffic Monitoring Guide. Roger Geller will then briefly describe his city’s longtime bicycle counting program that has relied on the organized efforts of many volunteers – and, more importantly, how Portland has been able to use that data to illustrate the effectiveness of bicycling, demonstrate its increasing safety, and provide usable data to traffic engineers when designing intersections.

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Collection and use of bicycle count data in

Portland, Oregon

Photo by Elly Blue

Oregon Active Transportation Summit

April 21, 2014

Roger Geller, Bicycle CoordinatorCity of Portland

2012 count map

2011 count map

Measuring Macro Trends





Helmet Use45%



Annual and long-term increases

Annual counts by location

Bridge and non-bridge compared

More detail

Bridge and non-bridge over time

Bridge and non-bridge over time by part of city

Inner SE

East Portland

Map of count volumes

Table proportion of women

Map of gender ratios

Map of helmet use

Table of gender

Gender by part of city

Table of helmet use

Helmet use by part of city

Helmet use by gender by part of city

Volumes and TMC at intersections

Count sheet

Count sheet

Count sheet Jene-Paul

Count sheet Jene-Paul


Portland’s Bicycle CountsConduct


Typically one count / location

Peak Hour Counts

Some Hose Counts

Portland Bicycle CountsTraining

• Pizza• Soda• Role of Counts in Portland’s

System• How to conduct counts• How to fill out forms• Get information back to us• Don’t cheat!

Copenhagen Mode Split…in Copenhagen

Where to get information



Portland count reports, forms, instructions: