Change i can believe in sam culberson



My project for WRD110

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Change I Can Believe In

By: Sam Culberson

Content Review

Slide 3: Inspirational Quote

Slide 4-7: How I used to think. 2008 Presidential elections and what I learn.

Slide 8-14: The second Presidential election in 2012. What I noticed and learned about elections yet again

Slide 15-19: Conclusion and restatement of what I learned as well as restatement of quote.

Slide 20: Works Cited

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.

— John Quincy Adams

Nationwide campaigns erupt with packed seats. Election season is here.

2008: Obama vs. McCainAn always loyal Republican, I put my trust in senator John McCain without thought.

I eagerly awaited the next election season. Although disappointed in the Republican’s last attempt at office, I had rekindled hope.

Republican nominations come and go in 2012. Mitt Romney wins the hearts of Republicans everywhere. Once again, my party fights back.

Debates: Obama vs. Romney

Obama and Romney duke it out as the whole nation watches. Usually I would be excited, but

something had changed.

I noticed some things had changed in America. During the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858, each candidate

was given three hours to speak.

During the 2012 debates, each candidate was lucky to get thirty minutes of total speaking


I also noticed the inaccuracies and constant fluctuations of voter polls. Watching pre-election

news and following polls only caused confusion and unnecessary stress.

I learned three facts about our Presidential elections that have helped me become a more informed voter.

Negative campaign adds are corrupting our elections. Voters are told lies, and because it is on television, they believe it.

Televised debates only give you a snippet of a candidate’s platform. Always do background

research to see what a politician really believes.

Polls will only confuse and stress the voter

I am now a more informed and conscious voter who doesn’t always

trust televised media.

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.— John Quincy Adams

Works Cited

“Presidential Material”. Cartoon. 2008. Presidential Comics. Web. 4/4/14

2012 Presidential Race Poll. Graph. 2012.

UConn/Courant Poll: Presidential Race Close, But Majority Thinks Obama Will Win. Web. 4/4/14

Adams, John Q. "John Quincy Adams." Wikiquote. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.
