Emerging Technology: Presentation to Community Living Ontario Annual Conference 2014



Using Emerging Technology to Enable Person-Directed Support Presenters: Julie Malette, Wayne Mills, Clem Pelot and Keenan Wellar Helen Sanderson Associates Canada Adagio Integrated Mills Community Support Corporation LiveWorkPlay

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  • 1. Presented at the Community Living Ontario Annual Conference 2014Using EmergingTechnology to EnablePerson Directed SupportPresenters: Julie Malette, Wayne Mills, Clem Pelot and Keenan WellarHelen Sanderson Associates CanadaAdagio IntegratedMills Community Support CorporationLiveWorkPlay

2. Project OverviewMCSS approved a grant of $24,000 in September 2013 for thepurchase of 10 Mon Ami units to:1. Improve the effectiveness and efficiency ofcommunication for people supported2. Increase self-determination (person directed support)3. Re-direct staff resources from caring for activities toactivities which support community contribution andmembership 3. Mon Ami Learning PartnersLiveWorkPlayCLA Lanark CountyLanark Community ProgramsAdagio Integrated 4. MissionWe help create welcoming communities through capacity building,partnerships and person-centered services.What we do Support adults and TAY with intellectual disabilities Provide seniors services and programs through home support, assistedliving and respite care Provide affordable housing to seniors and families Undertake community development initiatives that bring peopletogether and build better communities 5. AboutCLA Lanark CountyLanark Community Programs 6. .ca 7. Julie MaletteHelen Sanderson Associates Canada 8. Why? 9. $ 10. $ 11. juliem@hsacanada.cawww.hsacanada.caJulie Malettehttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Helen-Sanderson-Associates/112009273814@HSACanada1http://www.youtube.com/user/helensandersonHSA 12. Life EmpowermentWayne Mills, 205, 30 Church Street, Toronto, ON, M5E 1S7Wayne.mills@adagiointegrated.com 13. Adagio SolutionsPerson Centred and Community Health Well-being Solutions Enabling each person, with their family, friends, caregivers and communities to: Live, care, work, share, support and play Through integrated technology solutions Increase Quality of Life Helping health, wellness and community organizations supportindividuals to live well through: Supporting and integrating care delivery Maximizing Quality of Life Life Enabling tools Caring Companion Building Care Together 14. Adagio - Conceptual Model 15. 2013-02-07 28Mon Ami -Journey ofDiscovery 16. Mon Ami Design 17. Mon Ami ServicesTo HomeInternetCloudFrom HomeFrom HomeTo Home 18. Unique Capability1. Designed to anticipate and support a persons needs with minimalinteractions2. Communicates with the person, asking questions and recordinganswers for the Family and/or Caregiver, and where appropriatemaking suggestions3. Carefully crafted to fulfill multilayered needs of a person physical,mental, spiritual, ambulatory, security and social4. Ensures care is delivered to those who need it most, maximizingefficiencies and resources, allowing caregiving to take place fromanywhere, at any time5. Enables the persons support (carers and family/community) to workas an integrated team (as needed and agreed)6. Enables Caregivers to provide the range of service to fit the person 19. Unique Capability (part 2)8. Reducing the cost of caregiving in home9. Multi-lingual10. Plug and Play11. Easy and fun to use12. Uses a worldwide network of tools, extending the personsconnectivity and community anywhere in the world 20. Visiting Mon Ami 21. Personal Support Mon Ami assists with health and care by: Reminding the person to take their medication at the correct time about important health-related events (medical appointments) and activities (using thebathroom) about regular mealtimes to encourage healthy eating habits Suggesting a time for daily exercising or getting outside to go for a walk or do somegardening Automatically sending email to the Caregiver and other designated individuals to reportthat the user has failed to respond when requested to do so (for medication intakepurposes or other agreed-upon situations) Monitoring daily activities of the user and reporting back to the Caregiver Providing the Caregiver with the ability to monitor and support the home environmentremotely (for example, turning off fans, lights etc.) And. 22. Communication Mon Ami supports by: Enabling the person to connect with the caregiver, family members, friends oranybody else through video or email by using a simple button touch Reminding about the birthdays, anniversaries and special days in the lives of familyand friends Reminding about events that are of interest to them that they could attend Suggesting a time for daily exercising or getting outside to go for a walk or do somegardening Suggesting that the user call a friend to give them support Reminding that a friend or family member will be picking them up so that they canattend a special function Hearing the voices of family members who respond with a voice recording or email And 23. Mobility Mon Ami assists with mobility by enabling the person to: Control electrical appliances such as fans or drapery controllers through the touchof a button Control the home environment (lights) through the touch of a button Reach the outside world through video chat or simple email Launch music, have books read aloud or access Internet radio through Mon Ami 24. Social Mon Ami supports by: Connecting with family and friends through video chat and email Stimulating the mind by reading books aloud, playing music, playing intellectualgames and providing access to a wide range of Internet radio sites Keeping the person informed about current weather conditions as well as the dateand time on demand Enabling knowledge about the past by recording the users memoirs for their family Enabling family members to be involved in the life of the user through a sharedcalendar and by providing questions for the memoirs And.. 25. Helping each Person on theJourney. 26. Working Together. 27. A Personal Journey. 28. Mills Community SupportClem Pelot 29. Project Description Learning Partnership Profile of Users Metrics Stories 30. Mills Community Support5 Units installed 3 units in TAY program 2 with individuals living in group living hoping to make the move totheir own place 31. Enhanced SIL (TAY)3 individuals are using the system, all at different levels and degrees One person is knowledgeable in its functions but is still using it forvery basic needs. She is using MonAmi mostly for reminders, somegames, and Facebook. She has high anxiety and is encouraged to usethe journal to track her stress level on a daily basis. The second person has very little computer experience and is using itmostly for medication reminders, games, music and videos. The third person has just begun to get her unit set up, as she recentlymoved from group living to enhanced SIL. She is using the unit mostlyfor Skype and emails. She is able to connect with family living inNiagara Falls and friends living in surrounding communities. 32. Group Living The 2 individuals in group living are both deaf and blind. The MonAmi unit has been used mostly for entertainment and somereminders. The challenge has been that without sight the person is unable toaccess the unit without staff support. We are working with AdagioIntegrated to create a 3 dimensional touch pad with braille like tilesthat will be hooked up to the unit and the person will be able tocontrol the unit themselves. 33. LiveWorkPlay 3 units (LiveWorkPlay acquired a third MonAmi unit as the project gotunderway) All three units are being used to assist in day to day functions Communication, reminder, routines and calendars People are connecting more and gaining independence in their lives 34. Community Living Lanark County 2 units One unit is being used for medication reminders and cleaning tasks,this is giving the person a more structured day and keeping anxietydown that she has to remember these things on her own. She enjoyslistening to music and books and is able to do this on her own. Stafflike that they can acknowledge the reminders through the day vshaving to go over, this is freeing up time to support more people andfocus on other skill development with her. Second unit? 35. Lanark Community Programs1 unit originally for a young man living at home, but when he realized he could not download computer games was not interested in the unit.LCP decided to take the unit and use it for something a little different. The unit has beeninstalled in a Social Rec Program. It is a day program for young adults who are/havetransitioned out of high school. They do life skill based activities such as cooking and jobplacements. The program has been using the MonAmi for: Reminders (prompting the group for lunch, work placements, end of day etc.) Recording daily journals about what they did that day at program Books they have been reading/following along with the books that are pre-downloadedon the system Entertainment listening to music, accessing recipes for cooking and internet for howto videos Calendar they have put their big events (trips, holidays etc.) into the calendarThis information has been very valuable to Adagio and the Mills. MonAmi was originallydesigned for personal use, to see it successful with groups opens up other possibilities toconsider. Such as: a recreation room at a seniors building or schools transitioning youngadults into day services and employment opportunities. 36. Evaluation At the end of the first quarter each person completed an introductorymetric and a Q1 metric. Adagio Integrated will take completedmetrics and run an analysis report to determine what the MonAmi isbeing used for most and after 90 days what impact has it had on theperson using the unit. High level description of metric development process and plannedreporting categories enclosed. The MAPS reporting was based uponlisting the metric and stating x% of the population reported the metricapplied to them which doesnt work for us given the small studypopulation set. As an alternative I plan to employ graphicalpresentation such as a bar chart where feasible with the hope ofdemonstrating the level of client independence (etc.) has improvedover time. Next steps include identifying which metrics lendthemselves to such a presentation versus which are best served bypresenting the text of the response itself. 37. Indicator Review Baseline Client Baseline Family Member Baseline Support Staff Quarterly Update Client Quarterly Update Family Member and Quarterly Update Support Staff 38. MonAmi Metrics Categories1. Choice2. Family3. Goal Setting4. Safety & Security5. Social Isolation6. Other 39. MonAmi MetricsThe planned analysis will report based upon these 6 categories. It willalso plot the metrics back to and provide reporting using the originalMAPS categories. 40. Josie Question: How has MonAmi impacted your confidence in the client'sability to do things independently? Response: The MonAmi has allowed Josie to feel that she has anentertainment outlet for her music and videos which she is very proudof, her understanding on how to use the MonAmi has been impressive. 41. Moe Question: Now that you have MonAmi what has changed about whatyou and your support worker do together? Response: I tell staff when its time to take pills instead of stafftelling me 42. Meghan Question: Now that you have MonAmi what has changed about whatyou and your family do together? Response: Im able to respond to Facebook posts and see what myfriends are doing. I will be able to email and Skype my friends soon Question: How has MonAmi changed your work relationship with theclient? Response: It has increased my confidence knowing that Meghan hasacknowledged medication reminders, lock your door reminders andhaving those come to my cell. 43. Graham (LiveWorkPlay) Question: What activities have you started doing more on your own? Response: Managing my schedule, taking the bus Question: Have you shown MonAmi to any of your friends? What didthey say? Response: Yep- theyre jealous! 44. Phil (LiveWorkPlay) Question: Now that you have MonAmi what has changed about whatyou and your support worker do together? Response: I am more independent and need less phone reminders Question: Now that you have MonAmi what has changed about whatyou and your family do together? Response: We Skype more and parents are more confident of myabilities Question: Family what do you like about MonAmi Response: Skyping and the fact my son is being more independent 45. Day Program (LCP) Question: How has MonAmi impacted you confidence in the clientsability to do things independently? Response: They need fewer reminders to complete tasks or move onto the next activity. Those who take medication can do so on theirown now staff do not have to prompt them because MonAmi does. 46. LiveWorkPlay.caKeenan Wellar, MACo-Leader and Director of CommunicationsOttawa, Canada 47. Over 1,000,000 people have watched this cat.People with intellectual disabilities want in on the action. And why shouldnt they? 48. Keenans social media passion:made, not born!Keenans passion for inclusivecommunities: also made, not born! 49. Social media influence isnot going away.So wed better learn to deal with it andmaybe even benefit from it! 50. Andrea and I are interested in training with a team ofLiveWorkPlay members to participate in this fun event eitherby walking or jogging the 2K, 5K, 10K, or half marathon.Social Media Loss Of Control Can Be A Great Thing! 51. cybertip.ca 52. THE ULTIMATE INTERNET SAFETYMess with me, and youre messingwith all my friends and family! 53. THANK YOU! QUESTIONS?Using EmergingTechnology to EnablePerson Directed SupportPresenters: Julie Malette, Wayne Mills, Clem Pelot and Keenan WellarHelen Sanderson Associates CanadaAdagio IntegratedMills Community Support CorporationLiveWorkPlay
