Safe Spaces


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Safe SpacesAmie Johnstone, George Bearman, Ellie Ramsey, Josh Mayne,

Marcella Pavlica

Safe Spaces, helps people with all sorts of disabilities whether it be due to physical inability to manage or mentally cope.

Our app aims to tackle the feeling of insecurity that some people may come across when in public spaces in Canterbury.

Introduction to our brief…

Mission Statement & Purpose of the app…

• Hygiene• Hazards• Accessibility• First Aid• Fire/ Food Safety

• We understand that everybody cares about the safety and accessibility of their area and therefore we want to provide a service which gives carersthe ability to enjoy facilities and see how safe they are.

• Safe spaces vision is to create a Canterbury where all members of society can feel that opportunities and activities are accessible and safe and stimulating no matter who you are.

Timeline plan

As a group we discussed what we wanted to gain from this project

We looked at a target audience for our app

We researched similar apps/competitors

From this research we discovered that their were not many apps that catered for less abled people

We then went on to distribute every individual group member a task or piece of research.

We came back together as a group and pieced together our project to present.

SMART objectives…

• S- Our goal was to create an app that would help tackle peoples feelings

of insercurity when in a public space in Canterbury.• M- We created a survey on Survey Monkey which enabled us to gather

results on if Canterbury was safe and accessible. • A-Individually group members had various aspects of the project to

complete such as research and design of elements. • R- As we are only students we understood that it would not be possible

to create a national survey for an app to go nationally so this is why we based the app purely on Canterbury.

• T- We constructed a timeline to make it clear to ourselves what stages we needed to be at during certain periods of time.

Number of People with Disabilities who Travel: Disability and tourismstatistic

(Source: Dwyer & Darcy, 2008)

• Less abled People/ Carers• Senior citizens • Pregnant Women • Organizations which specialise

in disabled care • Families (young children)

For example• Age concern Canterbury • Westbere sailing opportunities • SNAP


Target Audience…


Safe Spaces Logo

• Simplistic• Friendly logo • Recognizable for the Canterbury public. • Represent people coming together in the community. • The colour theme of blue which is a unisex colour


• Most online websites focus on specific sector e.g crime, hygiene, travel etc.


Using survey monkey we wanted to discover the publics opinion and knowledge of the ‘safe spaces’ in Canterbury.

Website Design

We decided to keep the design of the website simple so it is easy to navigate around.

We have links to social media websites so then we could have interconnectivity to allow our users to contact one another and discuss the activities they have been on and what they thought of them.

This would all be attainable through the use of our website and other social media accounts.

Website Design…


Social NetworkingTwitter

We made a social networking page on twitter to help advertise our app.

From this we can show people what our app does and advertise when we have new places around Canterbury that cater for the less-abled.

How the app would work…

The app for Safe Spaces would have a basic but effective layout and will be easy to use.

The app will be full of places/ sites in Canterbury that are safe for people with disabilities or that are less abled.

In conclusion, from our research of activities for less abled people we found a variety of places and activities around Canterbury.

However none provide the unique and efficient media platform required to give them the knowledge of safe places.

Our app is successful in giving people the details they require to have a safe and enjoyable day out around Canterbury.

