TMP/TLP Net Promoter Score Guidebook




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Hello my dear friend! It doesn’t matter, are you LCP, VP TM or TM responsible, today I will guide you through the magic world of our members’ loyalty. In this guidebook we’ll talk about the quality of the experience that we provide to our main and the most important customers: our members and leaders – TMP and TLP participants. So let’s start from the beginning. It doesn’t matter, do we realize it or not, but our members are our customers. Team Member and Team Leader Programmes are two products that AIESEC provides. It means, that as an organization, we want to deliver only high-quality experiences to all our customers, it doesn’t matter if it is GCDP/GIP participant, or TMP/TLP participant. Providing opportunities for learning and development, high-quality experience, to Italian students, we develop leadership that our generation needs. Why does AIESEC need loyal customers?

They “buy more” – participate in more of our programmes

They stay longer

They refer friends

They provide positive feedback and new ideas Sounds nice, right? But how do we make sure that our TMP/TLP participants are loyal to AIESEC as organization? I’ll try to answer this question bellow

What is NPS? NPS stands for Net Promoter Score. It measures the loyalty of the customer (TMP/TLP) to AIESEC. After Team member or Team leader programmes are over, the system automatically sends the NPS survey to our members. The question is really simply and it takes only 2 minutes to fill it:

The second part of the NPS Survey consist of several blocks:

The blocks are:

Role of Participant – TMP/TLP and their term

Function (Area) of TMP/TLP

Issues – it suggests the areas which TMP/TLP participant liked the most during his/her experience. When you make an analysis, you’ll understand what is the strong side (or weak side) of your LC. Issues are connected to the Team minimums, but we’re going to talk about it a bit later ;)

Comments (also contribution to exchange)

Firefighting – Do you need someone’s immediate assistance? If the member choose YES, CustomerGauge will automatically send you notification about the problem your member has, and you have to contact the person within 24 hours.

Question about the next program TMP/TLP participant would like to take. You can forward this member to your VP oGCDP or VP oGIP (or if the person wants to take another TMP or TLP position, offer him/her the opportunity).

Let’s talk a little bit more about the NPS. After a person fill the NPS Survey, you will be able to make the analysis of the quality of the experience your LC provides to your members. According to the answer on the question “Based on your experience, how likely are you to recommend AIESEC's Team Member/Leader Programme to a friend or a colleague on a scale of 0 to 10?” of all your members, system divide all customers into 3 groups

Detractors – unhappy customer

Passive – satisfied but not enthusiastic customers

Promoter - loyal enthusiasts who keep buying from a company and urge their friends to do the same (we want more of them <3)

System will calculate the final number – Net Promoters Score. NPS can be from -100 to 100, and the higher NPS the better experience you provide. After the questionnaire that we sent to all of our members before (you remember that

quality surveys?) – NPS = 26, which is real low, and it means that only 26% of all the members we have around the country, would suggest the TMP/TLP experience to their friends. The second important thing in NPS is Response Rate (RR). It means how many (%) members filled the survey. The higher % of Response Rate (the more people filled the survey) – the more real picture we can see. Are you exited so far? Let’s explore the website and menus To access to the website, you have to go to the link: You can also find out about the Customer Gauge watching a video here: Each LC has its own login and password, that already your Exchangers use. Don’t hesitate to ask it (your LCP knows ) to access and start tracking the quality of the TMP/TLP experience in your LC. Dashboard

On the Dashboard you can see the overall picture of the situation in your LC (including GCDP and GIP answers). Customer In this menu you can:

Customer Search – search for particular person

Export Response – according to the particular criteria (you can select), you can general an XLS file with all the responses.

Email and Survey

Review Email Templates – the email templates are the same for all the clients of AIESEC, so there’s no opportunity to change them

Survey Review – here you can check, how the survey looks like for our members when they receive it

Reports – the most important menu for the quality analysis. More details – bellow. Firefighting

Task details Do you remember the survey question: “Do you need someone from AIESEC to provide you with immediate assistance regarding your experience?” (if no, come back above). If

the person choose YES, he/she Opens a case. You can find all the Open Cases in the menu. Firefighting – Task details – Workflow general issues – TMP/TLP columns – Open Cases

You can check all the open cases by clicking on the Open Case – an blue number, like above (for example, right now we have GCDP 5 Open Cases, GIP – 3, TMP and TLP – 0). You click, and they forward you to the page with complains:

When you receive a complain, you have to start working on it and put the status “In

progress”. Person should be contacted in 24 hours! Maximum 48.

To change the status of the case you have to click the name of the member:

When you click, you’re able to see all the information about the person. Scroll a little bit down and you’ll find the Workflow block. There you can change the status from “Open” to “In progress” to “Close”, and also see particular Issues, about what your member is complaining about.

Here you can see that the Case is open for 8 days. I remind again, that the case can’t be open more than 24 hours! (48 maximum!).

Admin I won’t explain all the menus, just the most important for our work:

Non-Responses – here you can find all the people who didn’t fill the survey. To make a response rate higher, you have to send the link to the survey to them directly. You can find the link to their survey by clicking Survey URL column:

Ok, now only 2 things left – NPS and Team minimums connection and How to do analysis. Let start with the first one.

NPS and Team minimums connection At the NPS survey they ask to check the issues that influenced the most TMP/TLP experience:

All this 7 issues can be combined into 3 groups:

1. Introduction – Clarity of AIESEC vision 2. Team experience of the participants – Team Goals and Purpose, Education

about the role, Individual responsibility and goals and Support from AIESEC: - Living team experience - Individual responsibility and goals - Education for the role

- Support from AIESEC throughout the experience

3. Overall Impact – Personal and Professional development through the experience - Personal Development due to this experience - Professional Development through this experience

When you make an analysis and you can see, which group of issues influence the most our Promoters and Detractors. Detractors issues are the one that have to be improved. Connection to Team minimums:

Group Team minimums How can be improved


Team – every team needs to have a

Team purpose connected to the purpose of AIESEC and the AIESEC Programmes

Plan and JD – if an individual has a clear plan and JD then he/she will feel the ownership towards the vision of AIESEC and their contribution to it

The Induction Process

Team experience Living team experience

Team – each team has at least 3

members and 1 team leader

Plan and JD – the same as above

Specific Induction to the role

Personal Goal setting

Education in the LC

Team experience Individual responsibility and goals

Plan and JD – every team participant

knowing his/her clear JD, KPI, MoS and contribution towards team purpose

Tracking and Coaching – continuous performance tracking and coaching based on this

Evaluation – Goals vs. Achieved and of personal goals development etc

Talent planning – teams in the LC, JD and contribution to GIP and GCDP

Performance Management

Education in the LC aligned to team roles

Team experience Education for the role

Training – effective understanding of the role, training to implement fast in the role


Planning for education

Education cycle in the LC


Tracking and Coaching – tracking

performance and coaching (education) based on this

Evaluation and Reflection – evaluating performance and personal development

Team experience Support from AIESEC through the experience

Team – setting of team purpose, team

MoS and personal goals

Evaluation and Reflection – evaluation goals vs achieved and personal development

Firefighting with TMP and TLP participants to ensure they are having a good experience

Overall impact Personal Development

Evaluation and Reflection – evaluating results achievement and personal goals achievement and reflection on learning from the experience

Tracking and Coaching – tracking personal development along with results achieved and coaching team based on this

Learning and Development aligned to personal development of TMP/TLP participants

Team Leader can go through results to lead their teams better

Compare results of teams to personal development to see the connection

Overall impact Professional Development

Training – knowledge gained or not gained in a specific functional area can determine training design for a particular team/function

Tracking and Coaching – coaching teams based on knowledge and practical hard skills gained or not gained

Same as above

And now, how can I do analysis? Let’s come back to the Reports important menus and discuss how it can help you to understand strength and weakness of your LC when it comes to providing TMP and TLP experience to your members

Net Promoter Score

You have to select the Data range, Programme you want to see, as the Home Entity you choose Italy and as a Home LC you choose your LC. After pressing “GO”, you can see the graphic of the NPS score and Response Rate monthly (also you can click on blue numbers and you’ll be forwarded to the detailed review).

Responses – same as Net Promoter Score menu, but shows the statistic of Response Rates monthly

Self-Selected Issues – Issues that TMP/TLP Participants chose filling the survey. Here you can really see the problems (and find in the table above how to face these problems) and improve the work of Talent Management in your LC.

The filter here is the same, as in Net Promoter Score menu, press “GO” button, and you’ll see which issues were selected more often. You can filter by Promoter issues or Detractor (or Detractor+Passives) issues. If you choose Promoter issues: this is the strengths of your LC If you choose Detractor issues: this is the weak points of TM in your LC and this issues has to be improved with your strategies.

These are the most important functions of the Customer

Gauge. Explore the website and enjoy your experience as well ;)
