Video Advocacy Tips



What video can do for your campaign; How to get people to watch your video; Social proofing; Measurement

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Video Advocacy Tips Mary Joyce!

for the Open Society Foundations!July 25th, 2014 | Dubrovnik, Croatia!

!images: Flickr/David Goehring, Mike Licht, Brad Hagan!

❶���What role can video play in my campaign?!

❷���How do I get

people to watch my


❸���So, how did

it work?!(Measurement)!

What role can video play in my campaign?!

source Atkin, C. K., & Freimuth, V. (2013). Guidelines for formative evaluation research in campaign design. In R. E. Rice & C. K. Atkin (Eds.), Public communication campaigns (pp. 53–68). Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage.!

What role can video play in my campaign?!

!   1) Raise awareness: present information on previously unknown topic!

source Atkin, C. K., & Freimuth, V. (2013). Guidelines for formative evaluation research in campaign design. In R. E. Rice & C. K. Atkin (Eds.), Public communication campaigns (pp. 53–68). Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage.!

What role can video play in my campaign?!

!   1) Raise awareness: present information on previously unknown topic!

!   2) Change opinions: correct misperceptions!

source Atkin, C. K., & Freimuth, V. (2013). Guidelines for formative evaluation research in campaign design. In R. E. Rice & C. K. Atkin (Eds.), Public communication campaigns (pp. 53–68). Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage.!

What role can video play in my campaign?!

!   1) Raise awareness: present information on previously unknown topic!

!   2) Change opinions: correct misperceptions!

!   3) Increase salience: present a known issue as important !

source Atkin, C. K., & Freimuth, V. (2013). Guidelines for formative evaluation research in campaign design. In R. E. Rice & C. K. Atkin (Eds.), Public communication campaigns (pp. 53–68). Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage.!

What role can video play in my campaign?!

!   1) Raise awareness: present information on previously unknown topic!

!   2) Change opinions: correct misperceptions!

!   3) Increase salience: present a known issue as important !

!   4) Mobilize: convince people to take action!

source Atkin, C. K., & Freimuth, V. (2013). Guidelines for formative evaluation research in campaign design. In R. E. Rice & C. K. Atkin (Eds.), Public communication campaigns (pp. 53–68). Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage.!

How do I get people to watch my video?!

images: Flickr/Lucas Leite!

How do I get people to watch my video?!

!   Use “social proofing” to build viewership.!

images: Flickr/Lucas Leite!

How do I get people to watch my video?!

!   Use “social proofing” to build viewership.!

!   When someone sees that a video has a lot of views, that’s social “proof” that the video is good.!

images: Flickr/Lucas Leite!

How do I get people to watch my video?!

!   Use “social proofing” to build viewership.!

!   When someone sees that a video has a lot of views, that’s social “proof” that the video is good.!

!   The more views you have, the more views you’ll get.!

images: Flickr/Lucas Leite!

Social Proofing!

= Asking people to view, like, or share your content to prove to others

that it is worth watching.!!

Building video views with social proofing!

Basic Measurement!

!   Reach: Views (Total and over time)!

❶ ❷

So, how did it work?"!

Building video views with social proofing!

!   Start with the easiest ask.!

!   Level 1: Ask organization staff, friends, and family to watch the video.!

Building video views with social proofing!

!   Start with the easiest ask.!

!   Level 1: Ask organization staff, friends, and family to watch the video.!

!   Level 2: Ask them to post it to their Facebook, LiveJournal, or whatever social media platforms they use.!

Building video views with social proofing!

!   Start with the easiest ask.!

!   Level 1: Ask organization staff, friends, and family to watch the video.!

!   Level 2: Ask them to post it to their Facebook, LiveJournal, or whatever social media platforms they use.!

!   Level 3: If allies have a website or blog, ask them to post (you write they text).!

Building video views with social proofing!

!   Start with the easiest ask.!

!   Level 1: Ask organization staff, friends, and family to watch the video.!

!   Level 2: Ask them to post it to their Facebook, LiveJournal, or whatever social media platforms they use.!

!   Level 3: If allies have a website or blog, ask them to post (you write they text).!

!   Level 4: Once you have a few hundred views, reach out to sympathetic media (smaller is easier).!

Basic Measurement!

❶ ❷

So, how did it work?"!

Basic Measurement!

!   Reach: Views (Total and over time)!

❶ ❷

So, how did it work?"!

Basic Measurement!

!   Reach: Views (Total and over time)!

!   Breadth of Exposure: Thumbs up/down (Mostly up means supporters are watching, thumbs-down means opponent are watching too)!

❶ ❷

So, how did it work?"!

Basic Measurement!

!   Reach: Views (Total and over time)!

!   Breadth of Exposure: Thumbs up/down (Mostly up means supporters are watching, thumbs-down means opponent are watching too)!

!   Activation: Shares (How many people who watched also shared?)!

❶ ❷

So, how did it work?"!

Basic Measurement!

!   Reach: Views (Total and over time)!

!   Breadth of Exposure: Thumbs up/down (Mostly up means supporters are watching, thumbs-down means opponent are watching too)!

!   Activation: Shares (How many people who watched also shared?)!

!   Reception: Comments (Who’s watching? How are they reacting?)!

❶ ❷

So, how did it work?"!

!   There’s more info on the Analytics page of your YouTube account.!

!   Explore but don’t get overwhelmed.!

!   Some metrics (measurements) will tell you something you wanted to know.!

!   Some will not.!

So, how did it work?"! Advanced Measurement!

Questions / Comments?

what video can do getting views measuring effects