1. basic human physiology


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Dr. KameliaDr. Kamelia

Define anatomy & physiology, and explain

how they are related Describe each level of organization of the body with reference to an example List the organ systems of the body, and

state the major organs associated with each

Describe in general the functions of each organ system

Learning objectives:

Use anatomical terms to describe the

relative positions of the body parts, the regions of the body, and the planes by which the body can be sectioned

List the cavities of the body, and state their locations.

Name the organs located in each of the body cavities

Describe how a feedback system maintains homeostasis.

Learning Objectives

Anatomy (Greek) ana + tome to cut off

studies the structure of body parts and their relationships to one another

Physiology (Greek) physis = nature + logos = study) studies how the body work


pathophysiology—is concernedwith how physiological processes are altered in disease or injury

Tingkat utama fokus dari fisiologi adalah pada

tingkat organ dan sistem. Anatomi dan fisiologi berhubungan erat

dengan bidang studi: anatomi, studi tentang bentuk, dan fisiologi, mempelajari fungsi, secar

Levels of Structural Organization

The four basic tissue types in human body:

Muscle tissue ( Jaringan otot) Nervous tissue ( Jaringan saraf) Connective tissue ( Jaringan ikat) Epithelium tissue ( Jaringan epitel)

Organ discrete structure composed of at least two tissue types

Level of Structural Organization

The main level of focus of physiology is at the

level of organs and systems Traditionally, the discipline of physiology of the

body is seen as a collection of system interactions, each with a combination of function and purpose.
