7 fixes for your back pain



Our daily routines contributes to the causes of the back pain that most of us are suffering from, at some point in our lives we will pass through this stage but you should know better than to take it for granted. Though abrupt changes in our habits are really hard to instill, here some small changes that doesn't feel like change but your body will thank you for it.

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Fixes For Your Back Pain

7 Fixes For Your Back Pain

Our daily routines

contributes to the causes of the back

pain that most of us are suffering from, at

some point in our lives we will pass

through this stage but you should know better than to take it

for granted.

Though abrupt changes in our habits are really hard to instill, here some small changes that doesn’t feel like change but your body will thank you for it.

1Limit The Video GamesKids, adolescents and even adults are encouraged to play games because it develops a lot of interpersonal skills that we need in our daily lives, but video games are particularly discouraged by most experts. It doesn’t just make individuals restricted in the couch and the screen but it increases your chances to get back pains and headaches as well.

2Lose Weight

Obesity promotes a lot of illnesses and that includes back pain, especially if your mid-section is particularly heavy. It adds pressure to your spine which when not remedied early on results to spinal conditions. Forget Victoria Secret models’ body, all you have to do is weigh accordingly to your height, age and nature of living.

3Stay Active

Along with proper diet, exercise is also necessary to maintain a healthy body and keep back pains at bay. You don’t have to join a triathlon to achieve that, low-impact activities that will strengthen your core, keep your heart pumping and your blood flowing will do.

4Utilize Ergonomics

Most of the people who complains about back pains are those who are in a desk bound jobs, that’s no surprise since being in one position for long periods of time such as sitting and standing can really be hard for your spine. Make sure you maintain the proper sitting or standing position and utilize furniture or equipment that will support proper posture.

5Take Bed Time SeriouslyMinimum of 40 hours a week at work and sleep less than that and you’ll surely feel the boomerang effect in your body. But 8 hours of shut eye everyday doesn’t mean you’re doing okay either, you have to sleep in the right position for you to get the benefits of sleep. Pillow between the legs for side sleepers and under both knees for back sleepers, and for the stomach sleepers, though this position is highly discouraged but if you can only sleep in this position, you can put the pillow under your abdomen.

5Take Bed Time Seriously

Minimum of 40 hours a week at work and sleep less than that and you’ll surely feel the boomerang effect in your body. But 8 hours of shut eye everyday doesn’t mean you’re doing okay either, you have to sleep in the right position for you to get the benefts of sleep. Pillow between the legs for side sleepers and under both knees for back sleepers, and for the stomach sleepers, though this position is highly discouraged but if you can only sleep in this position, you can put the pillow under your abdomen.

6Herbal Medicines And Alternative TreatmentIf the pain is really something you can’t tolerate anymore, you can try ginger tea which is known to reduce the inflammation or alternative treatments such as therapies or chiropractic care if you’re all for natural remedies. Back pain sufferers over the years have responded well to spinal manipulation, but before trying anything be sure you have consulted your primary health care provider.


Sometimes the pain is all in our head, what the mind can conceive the body can achieve right? If that’s the case for you, meditation is a good way to clear your mind and instead of thinking about the pain it can avert your attention to something else. In addition to that, a recent study at the University of Manchester shows that those who meditate have higher threshold for pain.

Small Things

Add Up

Even if you consult to a specialist about your condition and receive treatment if you don’t pay attention to what makes it worst and don’t change them nothing will happen, such as lifting right, posture, rash movements, and even the mattress where you sleep all contribute to whether you’ll get better or not.

This presentation is brought to you by Family Chiropractic Care Clinic in Singapore. For more information visit our website www.familychiropractic.com.sg or

contact us at our main inquiry hotline: +65 6554 4339.
