Acupuncture Mississauga


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Best Acupuncture Mississauga Clinic

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture treatment involves small thin needles are inserted into various points in the body, including hands, feet and scalp, and left in place for a period of time before removal.

At times the practitioner may attach a small electrical device to one or more needles to aid in treatment and at other times may choose to use no electrical input.

Treatments Available

Medical Acupuncture Cosmetic Acupuncture Acupuncture for Women Acupuncture for Pain Acupuncture for Stress

My Health Acupuncture Mississauga Clinic

Our acupuncture Mississauga clinic is dedicated to providing the best in complementary and alternative medicine.

We believe in natural therapies rather than prescribing powerful antibiotics or surgery to treat chronic conditions.

We use acupuncture to help the body strengthen and then heal itself the natural way.

Conditions Treated

Following conditions can be easily treated with Acupuncture:

Back Pain Pain Management Anxiety / Stress Rotator Cuff Injuries Migraine and Headaches

Contact us for best Acupuncture Services

My Health’s Clinics in Mississauga are in Streetsville and Port Credit.