Anger Is Power



Anger is power because it is a path to healing. Key points from an article about anger help you put it into perspective. Use anger to help you heal and achieve something positive

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Anger is power

because it is a pathway to healing

The energy of anger is meant to empower you to solve

the problems and heal the injuries in your life.

Accepting anger provides you with the opportunity

to get to know yourself and your 'hurts'.


THE IMMUNE SYSTEM If you suppress one,

you may suppress the other

The healthful ways to experience anger are

as individual as the hurts waiting to be healed .

We can each help to find our way through

accepting that anger is powerful in healing.

Anger is the emotion of movement.

If we stay in it or deny its presence,

it destroys us.

With understanding, acceptance and steps

to healing, anger, can be healthy .

Healthy anger leaves the individual,

not the unbridled emotion, in charge.

Anger is a message that

whatever is hurting needs healing.

Anger, therefore, is a necessary emotion.

It is a powerful energy that can be used

to discover and heal what is hurting.

The key is to express it and then let it go,

so that it doesn't fester,

or build or escalate out of control.

Based on an article from

Health’n Vitality Magazine #39

By Sandra Tonn, RHN

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