Arachnida ppt


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Greek Mythology In ancient Greece there lived a woman called Arachne who was famous for her skill in weaving. Her skill at her art made her very conceited, thinking that there was none better than her.

In her conceit she challenged the Goddess Athene to a weaving contest. Arachne's effort was very beautiful and it aroused jealousy in Athene was felt threatened by Arachne.

Where upon Athene changed her into a spider and condemned her to go on weaving forever. Hence, the name Arachnida which really means "Children of Arachne."

Athene was the goddess of all weaving. In her fit of rage she tore Arachne's wearing to pieces. Arachne was very upset and she hung herself,

The have a pair of jaws,

A pair of pincer claws

4 pairs of legs,

All attached to the cephalothorax.

Spiders form the largest and most widely distributed order of class of animals called ARACHNIDA, which also includes the scorpions, harvestmen, false scorpions, mites and ticks.

Spiders -(ARANIDAE)There are two types of spiders

Most species belongs to ARANOMORPHAE and they are called true spiders or tarantulas.

There have 3 subclass of the Arachnida family

Sphere of ActionSphere of Action

The bite of poisonous spiders (Arachnida) produces symptoms strikingly similar to those of the Ophidia. The bitten part swells and becomes purplish, with a tendency towards breaking down of the tissues. The lymphatic glands swell and the skin over them becomes discoloured, especially in Tarentula cubensis. Nervous symptoms are more pronounced than in the snake poisons, notably in the effects of Tarentula Hispanica, Theridion and Mygale.

FARRINGTON H., Homoeopathy and Homoeopathic Prescribing:

Poisons are one of the defensive mechanisms exhibited by animals.

•When spiders bite:

they PARALYZE their victims with poison SECRETED FROM GLAND in their jaws.

The venom are poisonous to such an animal like mouse, sparrow, but only are few poisonous to Human.

POISONS – REMEDIES IN HOMOEOPATHY: APHORISM 110•……..these authors give details of what has occurred as histories of poisoning and as proofs of the pernicious effect of these powerful substances..

•………….none of these observers ever dreamed that the symptoms they recorded merely as proofs of the noxious and poisonous character of these substances were sure revelations of the power of these drugs to extinguish curatively similar symptoms occurring in natural diseases, that these their pathogenetic phenomena were intimations of their homoeopathic curative action, and that the only possible way to ascertain their medicinal powers is to observe those changes of health medicines are capable of producing in the healthy organism;

Aphorism 118:

•Every medicine exhibits peculiar actions on the human frame, which are not produced in exactly the same manner by any other medicinal substance of a different kind.

Aphorism 119

•As certainly as every species of plant differs in its external form, mode of life and growth, in its taste and smell from every other species and genus of plant, as certainly as every mineral and salt differs from all others, in its external as well as its internal physical and chemical properties (which alone should have sufficed to prevent any confounding of one with another), so certainly do they all differ and diverge among themselves in their pathogenetic - consequently also in their therapeutic - effects. Each of these substances produces alterations in the health of human beings in a peculiar, different, yet determinate manner, so as to preclude the possibility of confounding one with another.

Aphorism 120

•Therefore medicines, on which depend man's life and death, disease and health, must be thoroughly and most carefully distinguished from one another, and for this purpose tested by careful, pure experiments on the healthy body for the purpose of ascertaining their powers and real effects, in order to obtain an accurate knowledge of them, and to enable us to avoid any mistake in their employment in diseases, for it is only by correct selection of them that the greatest of all earthly blessings, the health of the body and of the mind, can be rapidly and permanently restored.

Its acts on:Its acts on:



Almost all spiders disturbs sleep except aranea scinencia and tela aranea which has very much disposition to sleep.

Almost all spiders produces rapidity of pulse rate.

……Almost all spiders have great fear of death…Almost all spiders have great fear of death…

Depression is a feature of many spider remedies.

