Are drug and alcohol treatment centers better at curing addicts



Getting free from a life of addiction can be a tough road to follow. Not everyone is ready to do this on their own, and that is where dedicated drug and alcohol treatment centers come in. Statistics show that hardcore drug abusers started their lifestyle with a lesser addiction to something else, and more often than not it was alcohol that started their downhill slide.

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Are drug and alcohol treatment centers better at curing


Getting free from a life of addiction can be a tough road to follow. Not everyone is ready to do this on their own, and that is where dedicated drug and alcohol treatment centers come in.

Statistics show that hardcore drug abusers started their lifestyle with a lesser addiction to something else, and more often than not it was alcohol that started their downhill slide.

Because addiction itself can easily be supplanted with another substance after recovery, these centers concentrate on breaking the bonds of both abusive situations before either one of them can take hold once more.

Two phase treatment plans Proven to be effective through pilot

programs experimented with in Colorado substance abuse treatment centers, and later in Canada substance abuse treatment centers, the treatment plan found in centers that take on both kinds of abusive behaviors is actually done in two distinct phases.

The first tackles the source of the patient’s current abusive behavior, usually the drug they now prefer, if relative, and then the addiction to alcohol, the place where most addicts got their start.

Getting through the first part may be the worst part

 Physical withdrawal from drugs or alcohol

is perhaps the worst part of any treatment plan dealing with addiction. The human brain is perhaps the most powerful organ of the body, and when denied the substances it has become used to getting on regular basis can put the body through a distinct kind of torture.

The neurons that control addictive habits when starved for their stimulant or narcotic can cause the person enduring withdrawal intense pain, emotional swings, and complete withdrawal from the outside world.

Close monitoring of the patient is done during this phase, for their health and safety.

The twelve step program In cases of alcohol abuse, and what has

been lately discovered to be similar in cases of drug abuse, there is a long established pattern of steps that must be taken by the addictive person to help them along the road to recovery. The steps teach the addict how to deal with their former addiction, beginning with admitting to themselves and others that they are an addict.

Along the way, they learn how to forgive themselves for what they have done to themselves through their addiction, as well as asking those that they may have hurt along the way for their forgiveness as well.

The traditional step program has its detractors, so some centers feature alternative views, usually involving a holistic approach, or one that is faith-based instead.

Dealing with addicted teens These days, a surprising number of

addicts that attend programs in one of these centers are actually teenagers, and that number is steadily growing. Treating teens with addictions can be difficult, so a new group of therapies have been developed with their needs specifically in mind.

These therapies will focus more on developing social skills, emotional health, and building self-esteem in order to better combat the triggers behind addiction that affect teens more often than adults.
