Articles the a - an


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a, the, an, ZERO

The Rocky Mountains are very impressive.We could see the Alps from the French side.He climbed Mount Everest when he was 30.

The river Thames / Seine in Europe

BUTMississippi / Hudson river in America.

Talking in general

Love matters morethan money.Are dogs moreloyal than cats?

Life is hard.Only Time will tell.

Blood is thicker than water.Actions speak louder than words.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Last Saturday I bought all the Game of Thrones books

I’m reading them at night.

Things usually with THEI don’t go to the cinema as often as before.I spend too much time on the internet.

JOBS with A / ANI became a lawyer after I graduated.I have worked as an IT consultant for two years.

Articles and differences in meaning

They took her to hospital. She was in hospital for a week. We all went to the hospital to visit her.

I made most of my friends at school.

Our neighbourhood was on TV the other day!

He was the best player in history.
