Body acne- Lets clear it for you


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T H E A C N E N A S T YW W W. B E S T A C N E T R E A T M E N T 4 U . C O M



• Getting acne on your face is bad enough, but many get severe acne on their bodies as well. And although you can hide back and chest acne over the winter it becomes a lot more obvious when the summer sun appears. For many the only option is to stay away from the beach completely or to always keep their bodies covered up. So why do people get acne on their back and chest? The simple answer is that there is a large amount of oil glands in that area of the body. But if you think that is bad people also get acne on their buttocks and legs which can be painful to touch.


• And the reason why you have acne on your back or chest is the same as your face clogged pores. And the pores on your skin basically clog up when your body produces too much sebum from the sebaceous glands. And body acne can be very difficult to remove.


• Your body acne should be treated similar to how you would treat any acne that has appeared on your face. The first thing you should do is get a decent cleanser and a loofah to reach those places that your hand cannot get. Cleansing the skin is really important and it will help to clear dirt and grime from your body and pores and it gets the skin ready for applying any acne treatments. One thing to remember is that you should never rub your skin.


• You should use a soft a caressing motion as rubbing the skin roughly will only irritate it and cause further outbreaks. Once you have cleansed your skin you then need to apply some benzoyl peroxide to the affected area. You can buy this in most chemists without a prescription and it can sting initially, but your skin should become used to it after a few days. If after a week you are still in discomfort from using it then it might be that your skin it too sensitive for it and it would be best to stop using it.


• The best time to apply benzoyl peroxide is at night as it tends to bleach clothing and it can be a bit sticky at first. So what you should do is apply it and then wear an old t-shirt to bed. If you have to put it on during the day then put an old white t-shirt on in under your shirt to protect your clothing from getting bleached.

• If you find that benzoyl peroxide is not working then you can get some salicylic acid and apply this with it also. Salicylic acid is a bit harder to find in chemists than benzoyl peroxide so you may need to look online for it. And if you find that either of these do not have any effect on your acne after a month of use then you should visit your local doctor as they will be able to advise you better.
