Brain Business Introduction



The brain helps us do everything. Knowing how to optimize how our brains work helps us lead better and support others more effectively.

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Brain Busine$$

LEADING with the

Brain in Mind

Sylvia Gaffney, Ph.D. Bernice Moore, Ph.D.&1

Saturday, August 4, 12

Thi s S e s s ion


Mind & Awareness

The Magni!cent Brain

New Leadership

The Triune Brain

Brain Busine$$

The Social Brain


Saturday, August 4, 12

✴ Less mechanistic to more SYSTEMIC

✴ Changes & complexity causing STRESS

✴ Different kind of leader needed to harness the power of the brain

✴ Opposite of required critical skill sets


3Saturday, August 4, 12

✴ Practical application to leader’s role

‣ amygdala hijack

‣ in!uence others by your state

‣ social hard-wiring

✴ Developing the WHOLE person

Brain/Body -Mind-Energy-Awareness

Leadership NeededNew

4Saturday, August 4, 12



✴ Least known organ of body

✴ Breakthrough advances in brain science & neuroimaging

Saturday, August 4, 12

Bas i c Bra in Fact s✴ 3 pounds of tofu-like material

✴ only 2% of body’s weight but uses 20- 25% of its resources

✴ works 24/7/365 even while sleeping

✴ scanning machine constantlly on and looking for threats

6adapted from Rick Hanson

Saturday, August 4, 12

Mind i s what the Bra in doe s

✴ Mind is a set of processes rather than a thing

✴ Mind is embodied

✴ Mind is relational


Daniel S iegel , MD and the MIND

Saturday, August 4, 12

✴ Brainstem palm

✴ Limbic thumb

✴ Cortex fingers


Danie l Siegel , M.D.adapted from the book Mindsight by

8Saturday, August 4, 12

Bra in Evo lut ion

✴ REPTILIAN - avoid danger

✴ MAMMALIAN - approach rewards

✴ HUMAN/ NeoCortex - attach to others

three stages

9Saturday, August 4, 12



✴ it’s the palm in the hand model

✴ brain stem = oldest part of our brain & is still serving us

✴ automatic response to ward off the saber tooth tiger through FIGHT - FLIGHT - FREEZE response

l izard brain

10Saturday, August 4, 12


Mammal ian Bra in

✴ developed with advent of small mammals

✴ basic drives & emotions

✴ it constantly scans & evaluates our current situation to determine if a situation is good or bad

✴ amygdala - saved life then and saves time now

squirrel brain

11Saturday, August 4, 12



✴ outer layer or ‘bark’ of the brain

✴ curled "ngers over the the hand

✴ expanded with the appearance of humans

human brain

12Saturday, August 4, 12


Pre-Fronta l Cortex

✴ located where the two middle "ngernails are overlapping in hand model

✴ executive decision maker - deals with facts, is logical, linear, handles recall, problem solving, memorization, the left-hemisphere

✴ limited space - is easily distracted

✴ it’s an energy hog

thinking man’s brain

13Saturday, August 4, 12

Neuropla st i c i ty

✴ new neural pathways

✴ adult brain continues to grow & development

✴ ability to expand - pruning - use it or lose it

14Saturday, August 4, 12

Soc ia l Bra in

✴ brain develops in relationship with others

✴ emotions are contagious

✴ relate to and ‘catch’ bene"cial emotions

hard-wired to be social

15Saturday, August 4, 12

Mirror Neurons

✴ primed to imitate each other

✴ provide us with visceral and emotional experience of another

16Saturday, August 4, 12

Bra in/BODYmind & awareness


✴ Neuroscience Research legitimizes & encourages use of mindfulness practice in business

Saturday, August 4, 12


Moment-to-moment awareness cultivatedby paying attention to things we usually ignore

Jon Kabat-Zinn18

Saturday, August 4, 12

Neura l Rea l E state

✴ New Leadership Needed

✴ The Triune Brain

✴ Social Brain

✴ Mind & Awareness

19Saturday, August 4, 12



Cozolino, L. (2006). The neuroscience of human relationships: Attachment and the developing social brain. New York: Norton.

Kabat-Zinn, J. (2005). Full catastrophe living: Using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness (2nd ed.). New York: Delacort Press.

Siegel, D. (2010). Mindsight: The new science of personal transformation. New York: Bantam.

Pillay, S. (2011). Your brain and business: The neuroscience of great leaders. Upper Saddle River: New Jersey: Pearson

Hansen, R.with Mendius, R., M.D. (2009). Buddha’s brain: The practical neuroscience of happiness, love & wisdom. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York: Bantam Books.

Begley, S. (2008). Train your mind, change your brain: How a new science reveals our extraordinary potential to transform ourselves. New York: Random House.

Doidge, N. (2007). The brain that changes itself: Stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. London: Penguin Books.

Rock, D. & Page, L., Ph.D. (2009). Coaching with the brain in mind: Foundations for practice. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Siegel, D. (2007). The mindful brain: Re!ection and attunement in the cultivation of well-being. New York: Norton.

Schwartz, J., M.D. & Begley, S. (2002). The mind & the brain: Neuroplasticity and the power of mental force. New York: Harper Collins.

Jahnke, R., D.O.M. (1998) The healer within: Using traditional Chinese techniques to release your body’s own medicine.

New York: Harper Collins.

Egan, T. & Lahl, S. (2010). Bringing the whole person into leadership development: Lessons from the neurosciences and beyond. Webinar September 25, 2010.

Saturday, August 4, 12

LEARNING with UsThank you for the honor of

Sylvia Gaffney, Ph.D.Gaffney Corporate Strategies

Bernice Moore, Ph.D.ICO Consulting, LLC

Saturday, August 4, 12

Sylvia Gaffney, Ph.D.Gaffney Corporate Strategies

Bernice Moore, Ph.D.ICO Consulting, LLC


Sylvia provides custom-designed consulting services in organizational effectiveness and change managements assistance to companies on a national and international basis. Her work helps companies integrate their business planning through a systems perspective. She facilitates processes to improve team building and blending, leadership development, intergenerational challenges, cultural change issues, resilience, strategic retention, and strategic staf"ng.

Bernice's work focuses on creating greater collaboration across distances and differences. Her programs have engaged and inspired employees, maximized pro"tability, and uplifted customer satisfaction. Working collaboratively with clients, Bernice enhances cross-boundary alignment and collective action; her coaching and learning programs develop leadership effectiveness and helps people ful"ll their aspirations and accomplish their goals.

Saturday, August 4, 12