Catalyst Food Myths Gameshow



This is a powerpoint made for high school students dispelling popular food myths, and then offers some more information about the myth, and the truth behind it. Each slide has speakers notes and sources.

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-Dried fruit contains just as many vitamins and nutrients as fresh fruit. 1/2 cup of dried fruit is equivalent to one serving of fresh fruit.

-Dried fruit is easily transported and can be a great way to enjoy your favorite fruits in the off season

Food manufacturers often market to this common myth.

On average that’s…• 1242 lbs of meat, eggs, and nuts• 594 lbs of dairy• 194 lbs of grains• 418 lbs of vegetables• 275 lbs of fruit• 86 lbs of fats and oils•142 lbs of sugar and sweetenersEnough to fill your stomach?

What people don’t realize is that the toppings can make a salad as bad as the regular food and they would be more content if they just ate a Big Mac.

• What you drink counts for calories.

• Most soft drinks have around 150 calories in a 12 ounce portion.

• Some Starbucks coffee drinks can have 300-400 calories.

This only works on a short term level. Crash diets starve your body of energy, and when your body senses it’s starving, it will store fat instead of shedding it.

Like dried fruit, frozen vegetables are just as good for you as fresh ones.

Unlike The Hulk we cannot convert fat to muscle. Fat can ONLY be shed.

Milk has the same amount of calcium whether it is whole, 2%, 1%, or skim.

• Believe it or not, true weight gain is a slow process.• It’s not about fattening food as it is calorie intake. You need to eat an extra 3500 calories to gain one pound. (and vice versa)

• A moderate amount of fast food is no worse for you than a moderate amount of home cooked food.

• Variety and moderation are the key to healthy eating.

•It doesn’t matter what time you eat. You gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn off.
