Crash dieting effective for long term weight loss


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  2. 2. People Who Lose Fat Quickly MoreMotivated To Carry On With TheirProgrammes: Study Crash diets can be more successful than gradual weight loss, a new studyhas claimed, in a major contradiction of current dietary guidance. Weightloss courses around the world recommend a gradual approach toshedding pounds. However, in a comparison of two groups, one of which dramatically cuttheir daily calorie intake for 12 weeks, and another which cut back slightlyover 36 weeks, the rapid weight loss group was more likely to hit theirtargets and just as likely to maintain their weight loss three years on. TheNHS says that losing weight gradually is the most effective and healthy .However, the new study of 200 obese adults in Australia suggests that acrash diet can be better.
  3. 3. Contd. In the rapid weight loss group, 81% of people hit their target of losing 12.5% oftheir body weight, compared to only 50% in the gradual weight loss group. Therapid weight loss programme used in the study involved eating just 450800calories per day for 12 weeks. The gradual weight loss program was in line withmost national guidelines, recommended that around 500 calories was cut perday , over 36 weeks. People in both groups who achieved their targets werefollowed up for another three years at which time both groups had regainedabout 71% of their weight. Katrina Purcell, a dietician and lead author of the University of Melbourne study, said that the widely held belief that fast weight loss is more quicklyregained had not been borne out by their findings. Achieving a weight losstarget of 12.5% is more likely , and drop-out is lower, is losing weight is donequickly , she said.
  4. 4. Contd. People who lost weight quickly might be more encouraged andmotivated to carry on with their programme, the authors said. Eating avery low calorie diet with few carbohydrates -found in foods like bread,rice and pasta -might also be forcing the body to burn fat, producingorganic compounds ketones, which are known to suppress hunger, theysaid. Some more extreme crash diet fads, such as the master cleanse,require food to be cut out altogether and replaced with tea andlemonade made with maple syrup and pepper.
  5. 5. Contd. However, the kind of rapid weight loss used in the study involved cuttingback to 450 to 800 calories per day -the equivalent of around three to fivebowls of cereal, with milk -and experts said that any diet should maintain agood nutritional balance. The study , which is published in The Lancet, hasmet with a mixed response from the scientific community . Skipping breakfast makes you fatter
  6. 6. Contd. Skipping breakfast may increase your likelihood of overeating andeventually gaining weight, a new study has found. Researchers found thateating breakfast, particularly meals rich in protein, increases young adults'levels of a brain chemical associated with feelings of reward, which mayreduce food cravings and overeating later in the day. Our researchshowed that people experience a dramatic decline in cravings for sweetfoods when they eat breakfast, said Heather Leidy, an assistant professorof nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri.
  7. 7. After Effect of Dieting.
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