Cultural Code


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The cultural codeby Clotaire RapailleThe cultural code

by Clotaire Rapaille

Com 459Jeff McNeill

Lyn Jang

Com 459Jeff McNeill

Lyn Jang

Ingredients To conduct 3 hour sessions

Room (for 20 people)Chairs




3hours required

Imprinting session1.Cortex part: control abstract thoughts

And imagination( logic)1.Put a group in the room

2.Ask them for help understanding the pr duct/ believing their descriptions

Would give Rapaille insight into what they thought of It

--- Rapaille don’t believe what people say in this session-

Imprinting session 2.The limbic-emotion, earlier experience”(the purpose: to disconnect the cortex”

How to process1.Set people on the floor

2.Then, let them use scissors and a pile Of magazines to make a collage of word

About product3. Ask people to tell stories with these words

that would offer further clue

People’s act and react are based on earliest experiencesPeople’s imprinted, learned patterns are created

As a conditioned response stemmingFrom our earliest positive and negative experiences

The key point: the response in this session is very strong becauseIt is learned in the context of the emotion of the experience

Imprinting session 3. The reptilian level ( basic instinct)

Make people lie on the floor with pillows-put on smootheningmusc and tell participants to relax

-purpose : calming people’s active brainwaves(cortex), get them to that Tranquil point just before sleep

When they reached this state, take people on a journey back from Their adulthood, past their teenage years,

To a time when they were very young. Once they arrived, ask them to thinkAgain about the product and to recall their earliest memory of it

The first time they consciously experienced it, Their most significant memory of it.

Then ask them to write about it (data collection)

How to discover the reptilian codes?-(Ingredients, how are they used in 3hour sessions)

The logic of emotion

The connection between the limbic and the reptilian, how the emotions deal with the urges, and instincts,

the needs we have.-Every word has a mental high way which is called “code”

An unconscious code in the brainThe purpose: to motivate, appeal to individual’s Survival instinct, find consumer’s unspoken need

Which is unconscious need

“data analysis, interpretation”From the written response from participants,

Rapaille find the common message, structure.

Include phrases, the sue of clipped sentences

a certain breathlessness Outcome

-provide people external direction & make room for self-expression by interaction


The reptilian level (basic instinct) We have it when we are born

To motivate, appeal to individual’s

survival instinct

The cortex levelThe last part of the brain that is develop (after 7 years old)

With this level, people try to be intelligent.In this level, people want to show

How intelligent they areBut, it’s not important what they say

In this point

The limbic levelEmotion and earlier experiences.

As Clotaire Rapaille’s method uses, seller fullfills the consumer’s desire of needs and consumer’s buy products and product can be sold.s

Method: using three levels ( the reptilian level, the limbic level and cortex ) to motivate people* These levels are very different from one culture to another

Logic of emotion is made-use stories and words to connect with

people’s emotionVerbs and simple language are

most effectiveSymbols are the language of leaders.

Outcome-provide people external direction & make room for self-expression by interaction

More about logic of emotionMore about logic of emotionThe connection between the limbic and the reptilian

emotionUnaware needs


The language of feeling is the language that helps us express the way experience appears to us

Primal emotion

Rapaille decodes the very fundamental imprints that answer what Unstated needs and wants are satisfied through

A particular medium.
