Discover Health Tips, Recipes & Fitness Exercises


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Discover Health Tips, Recipes & Fitness Exercises

Open any fitness magazine and you will sure see a picture of a muscular man lifting a barbell over his head like he was born with it. We checked and there aren’t any cases of “boy born with a barbell” ever so WE ARE SURE! Although Barbells are generally directed towards men and men’s fitness, the equipment should be used by all sexes.

You don’t have to be a fitness nut to learn these simple exercises and you don’t even need fancy barbell “add-ons”. All you need for all these moves is a simple barbell and some motivation. Just a little reminder before you start, do not begin your exercise with the heaviest weight you can possibly lift. Always gradually increase weight. This makes sure your body becomes accustomed to lifting weights thus making you less prone to injuries.

Deadlifts are some of the most common exercises done with barbells and also probably the most horrible executed ones as well. Thanks to its popularity, most individuals just blindly focus on weight. Although, the important part is your form. Make sure your feet are hip wide and firmly planted on the ground. Now, here comes the tricky part. You have to lift with your LEGS rather than use your lower back. This makes sure you don’t get caught in the vicious cycle of back pain and exercise that many people experience while training with weights.
