Eat your way to health


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Eat Your Way To Health

If we all ate healthy regular meals, avoided excess alcohol and took regular exercise you might think the surgery waiting rooms would all be empty and the NHS could lose a few thousand managers.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try to stay healthy there are just some things we cannot avoid from bacteria to virus and genetic disorders. We can still slip on a banana skin and break a leg no matter how healthy we feel.

Some of the healthiest and longest living people live in the more remote parts of the world and eat a far healthier diet then most in the West. This is because there is too much heavily processed food where by the time it ends up in the supermarket has lost all the good properties.

The first obvious example of removing all goodness from a product was the arrival of the sliced white loaf of bread. White bread usually means over-refined flour that does not have the roughage that a whole grain loaf contains.

During the Second World War people in Britain had less to eat but ironically ate a far healthier diet than most do today. The reason was that the food shortage made allotments flourish and every front suburban garden became a vegetable patch.

Meat and butter were rationed and consequently far smaller portions of things like red meat were served. Even the rubbish propaganda about eating raw carrots to help see at night so that enemy paratroopers could be spotted in the night sky encouraged people to eat more raw vegetables.

Today many feel the need to supplement their diet with health supplements and judging by the popularity of the many products at The Finchley Clinic along with the ringing endorsements there seems to be some excellent health products London.

Much has been written about the government’s interference on Vitamin supplements and other health products but perhaps the biggest tragedy lies in the vast majority of people not knowing enough about healthy eating.

How many children grow up knowing what food is good and why? It is all very well being told by parents to eat up as it’s good for you but do they know why?

Every one of us needs around a dozen essential vitamins and minerals to keep healthy but of the six or seven vitamins how many can name them and if so do they know why they are essential?

Take a look at all the vitamins and minerals and read up on the essential role they play in keeping us healthy and then check out the various food sources where these can all be obtained.

The next thing is to understand what each does and perhaps top up if you feel some deficiency. Many of the health products you need can be found here but discover yourself with a little research exactly what you need.

