Fate Fitness, Training and Nutritional Supplements



Nutritional Supplements, Training, Workouts, Supplements, FATE, fate fitness, Nutritional E-Books, Dieting Help

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Functional Aesthetic Training Enterprise, LCCGet inspired and get access to the tools and

information for consistent and proven results!


Our MissionIn the rapidly growing industry that is health & fitness our goal at FATE is to

provide an all in one educational and entertaining fitness experience by illustrating and communicating the most up to date information for building

muscle, losing fat and improving athletic performance. Whether your health & fitness goals are functional, aesthetic or somewhere in between we offer you

the services and information you need when it comes to your training, nutrition, supplementation and motivation.

Get inspired and get access to the tools and information you need for REAL results!


A Positive Evolution in the Fitness Industry

In the rapidly growing industry that is health & fitness our goal at FATE is to provide an all in one educational and entertaining fitness experience by

illustrating and communicating the most up to date information for building muscle, losing fat and improving athletic performance. Whether your health & fitness goals are functional, aesthetic or somewhere in between we offer you

the services and information you need when it comes to your training, nutrition, supplementation and motivation.



Performance supplements/vitamins & personal/team training

Our supplement line will be 100% non-proprietary. Our primary

goal as a supplement company is to create a product that delivers REAL & SAFE results. Inside each FATE bottle are ingredients that

have been baked by years of scientific research. Our non-proprietary formulations show you EXACTLY how much of each

ingredient you will be consuming in every does, assuring that you are receiving the correct amount of each ingredient you need to

enhance your training results.



Our MessageWe realize there are many options available when choosing the health and fitness guidance

that is right for you. We want you to understand that we are completely dedicated to providing the most accurate and relevant information available with your health and fitness goals in mind. As we grow, we promise to never sacrifice quality and your health and fitness

goals will ALWAYS be our number one priority.

We take great pride in being a company that is obsessively committed to our craft and we promise our customers and followers absolute dedication and loyalty while helping as many of you reach your fitness goals as we can. Our mission at FATE is to provide information and

create products that deliver REAL & SAFE results. By choosing to be part of the positive movement we wish to create, we would like to formally welcome you to our team and thank

you for choosing FATE for your health & fitness needs.



FATE is committed to creating a positive evolution in this industry and in the lives of our followers. Every minute of every day our

company is working towards the realization of this evolution with absolute commitment.

Don’t let inaction define you. Your actions today determine who you are & what you will be tomorrow. Take action, create your


Welcome to our team

Thank You for choosing FATE



A positive evolution in the fitness industryTraining | Nutrition | Supplementation

Supplement line coming soon...Mission

In the rapidly growing industry that is health & fitness our goal at FATE is to provide an all in one educational and entertaining fitness experience by

illustrating and communicating the most up to date information for building muscle, losing fat and improving athletic performance. Whether your health & fitness goals are functional, aesthetic or somewhere in between we offer you the services and information you need when it comes to your training,

nutrition, supplementation and motivation.

Get inspired and get access to the tools and information you need for REAL results!



Company Overview

We realize there are many options available when choosing the health and fitness guidance that is right for you. We want

you to understand that we are completely dedicated to providing the most accurate and relevant information

available with your health and fitness goals in mind. As we grow, we promise to never sacrifice quality and your health and fitness goals will ALWAYS be our number one priority



We take great pride in being a company that is obsessively committed to our craft and we promise our customers and followers absolute dedication and loyalty while helping as many of you reach your fitness goals as we can. Our

mission at FATE is to provide information and create products that deliver REAL & SAFE results. By choosing to be part of the positive movement we wish to

create, we would like to formally welcome you to our team and thank you for choosing FATE for your health & fitness needs.

FATE is committed to creating a positive evolution in this industry and in the lives of our followers. Every minute of every day our company is working

towards the realization of this evolution with absolute commitment.

Don’t let inaction define you. Your actions today determine who you are & what you will be tomorrow. Take action, create your FATE!



Take a look at the FATE blog

your one stop shop for all things health & fitness. Come here for free workouts, recipes, supplementation advice, FATE news/updates and many other fitness related

topics. Our goal for this blog is to provide an all-inclusive area where our audience can find

information, connect, interact and help us create a new movement […]For those located in the Los Angeles area seeking personal, group, or team training feel free to

contact us directly.

Those seeking health and fitness advice outside of the Los Angeles area should take advantage of our online training services.



Supplements 101Creatine HCL

- Strength- Muscle Growth

- Power- Endurance

Creatine is a naturally-occurring nitrogenous organic acid found in many meats. It helps the body supply energy to muscle and other cells. About half of the creatine we need is produced by the

body, the rest you must receive from diet and/or supplements. Creatine works for people looking to increase muscle mass and strength. It works at the molecular level to promote exactly what you

desire in physical performance: energy, power, strength, endurance and muscle growth.

Creatine HCL, specifically, is arguably the most effective and potent form of creatine available today. Unlike other forms of creatine, creatine HCL requires no loading phase, no cycling, produces no

bloating, and no water retention. By adding the hydrochloride molecule to creatine it increases the molecular stability of creatine also making it more soluble and therefore more efficiently absorbed

by the body.



Beta-Alanine- Endurance

- Power- Strength

- Muscle growth

Beta-alanine is an amino acid that is used to improve athletic performance, exercise capacity, lean muscle tissue and physical functioning. Beta-Alanine is taken up by muscle fibers and attaches to Histidine to promote more muscular energy. This

provides better muscular endurance and more energy for high intensity or explosive movement which leads to better overall athletic performance. Consuming beta-alanine prior to exercise can improve physical performance by providing more energy for your muscles to effectively carry out intense and explosive athletic

movements. Beta-Alanine may also boost fat loss and muscle growth



Betaine- Power

- Strength- Endurance

- Muscle growth

Betaine Anhydrous or Trimethylglycine (TMG) is a vitamin derived from choline, which is a dietary component found in food that contains protein and fat. Betaine supports

structural integrity of cell membranes. Betaine’s primary purpose is supporting healthy homocysteine levels, which is a toxic substance that results from meat digestion.

Betaine supplementation may increase nitric oxide production and promote muscular pumps and increase muscle size. Betaine is also believed to improve muscle strength, power and endurance. Finally, betaine may also increase protein synthesis, leading to

better recovery and growth.



BCAAs- Endurance

- Growth- Recovery

Protein is what supplies the building blocks necessary to repair and build muscle tissue during and after times of physical activity. These proteins are broken down and disassembled into amino acids which provide the muscles an efficient energy source. The branch chain amino acids (BCAAs), L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine, are among the nine essential amino acids for humans, accounting for 35% of

the essential amino acids in muscle proteins and 40% of the preformed amino acids required by mammals. BCAAs play a critical role in muscle development because they are metabolized in the muscle

rather than the liver, meaning they can be used for building new proteins or for energy.

BCAAs are useful for anyone who performs moderate to intense physical activity and wants to preserve lean muscle because they provide the muscles the energy they need to preform efficiently and prevent muscle breakdown. Consuming BCAA’s can improve body composition, prevent catabolism and increase muscular endurance and recovery. BCAAs in the 2:1:1 (2 L-Leucine: 1 L-Isoleucine: 1 L-Valine) ratio has

been shown most beneficial for supporting muscle performance and growth and preventing muscle fatigue.




L-Leucine is an essential branch-chain amino acid (BCAA), meaning it cannot be made by the body. This being said, L-Leucine must be acquired through diet or dietary supplements. L-

Leucine is the fourth most concentrated amino acid in skeletal muscle tissue and makes up approximately 8% of the amino acids in your body’s protein structures. L-Leucine is essential

to your overall health and has many beneficial effects on athletic performance. L-Leucine supplies the body with energy when under stress, preserves muscle glycogen, maintains

nitrogen balance, enhances cognitive abilities effected by physical activity and works to heal and preserve bone, skin and muscle tissue. L-Leucine may also increase somatropin secretion, a hormone that supports healthier joints, body fat reduction, strength, muscle size and slows

the ageing process. L-Leucine is considered the most critical of the BCAAs because it stimulates protein synthesis which leads to increased muscle growth.




L-Isoleucine, like L-Leucine, is an essential amino acid that must be acquired through diet or dietary supplementation. This amino acid increases energy and endurance which is why it is routinely used by

athletes and bodybuilders to improve athletic performance. L-Isoleucine is also one of the most abundant amino acids found in the skeletal muscles and accounts for approximately 1/8 of all the

proteins in the body. It is important to have high amounts of L-Isoleucine at all times, but particularly before exercise. Supplementing Isoleucine before physical activity will prepare the muscles for the loss

of this amino acid that occurs during physical activity. Additionally, L-Isoleucine is needed for the formation of hemoglobin to take place, which helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and is

necessary for proper muscle recovery.


Like the other BCAAs, L-Valine cannot be manufactured by the body so it must be acquired via diet or supplementation. L-Valine is critical for supplying energy to muscles and for proper muscle tissue

recovery and repair which makes consuming this amino acid prior to exercise ideal. L-Valine not only enhances energy and repair but is important for optimal growth in infants and children and

maintaining nitrogen balances in adults.



Caffeine Anhydrous - Energy

- Alertness- Focus

- Endurance- Intensity

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in many things people consume on a daily basis including coffee, soda, and tea, to name a few. Caffeine Anhydrous, specifically, is

dehydrated caffeine that is converted into tablet, pill or powder form. Overuse of caffeine anhydrous can cause anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, stomach irritation, nausea, increased heart rate and respiration. However, when taken properly caffeine anhydrous stimulates

the central nervous system and promotes feelings of energy, mental clarity, improved focus and body coordination which is why many people use it to improve athletic performance.

Caffeine Anhydrous has also been shown to support fat loss by jump starting the metabolism and to decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while increasing HDL (good)

cholesterol levels.



L-Glutamine - Endurance- Recovery

- Immune system support

L-Glutamine is one of the 20 amino acids encoded by the standard genetic code. Glutamine is produced in the muscles and is distributed by blood flow directly to the organs that need

it. Glutamine may support gut function, immune system activity, and other essential processes in the body, especially in times of stress. It is also important for providing fuel,

such as nitrogen and carbon, to many different cells in the body. Although the body produces glutamine on its own, the body can lose up to 50% of its glutamine levels during

exercise, and if your immune system or other parts of your body become glutamine-deficient, your muscles’ glutamine stores are first to be robbed, creating an environment for catabolism. Consuming glutamine supplements prior to, and after, exercise can help prevent

fatigue and muscle damage.



L-Citrulline Malate - Energy

- Endurance- Cardiovascular health

- Muscular pumps

L-Citrulline is a nonessential amino acid that supports energy, muscular endurance, cardiovascular health, and larger muscular pumps. Citrulline can be obtained through diet

and supplementation or your body can manufacture it from ornithine, through a biochemical process called the urea cycle. This cycle aids your body to remove ammonia, a

waste product of protein digestion. Once your body metabolizes citrulline malate into citrulline, enzymes in your liver convert it into arginine. Other enzymes then covert arginine into nitric oxide which produces muscular endurance and muscular pumps during exercise. Nitric oxide can also protect you from cardiovascular problems by lowering blood pressure

and improving blood flow throughout your body. Although your body can manufacture citrulline on its own, consuming additional citrulline, particularly before exercise, can

support significant performance and health benefits.



Arginine AKG- Power- Energy

- Endurance- Muscular pumps

L-Arginine is an amino acid which increases nitric oxide production which improves blood flow. L-Arginine may support athletic performance and help build muscle.

Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is an intermediate in the citric acid cycle or Krebs cycle. The citric acid cycle is a series of reactions involving the breakdown of stored glucose to producer adenosine triphosphate

(ATP). ATP is a high-energy molecule that provides fuel to your body’s cells. The citric acid cycle plays a critical role in providing the energy needed during exercise.

Combining L-Arginine and Alpha-ketoglutarate, accelerates the absorption of L-arginine which supports steadier energy levels and a more efficient exchange of cell nutrients and wastes which provides a more

rapid delivery of oxygen to the tissues and may produce larger muscular pumps. Supplementing with Arginine AKG promotes faster muscle recovery and may support anaerobic power during resistance




L-Taurine- Stress management

- Reaction time- Energy

- Recovery

Taurine is commonly known as the amino acid of anxiety control and stress management due to its ability to lower cortisol and reduce anxiety. Taurine calms the nervous system by

facilitating the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), allowing your body to manage the anxiety, cortisol and adrenaline spikes associated with stress. Taurine has also been shown to improve reaction time and athletic performance. The benefits of Taurine

don’t stop there. Taurine is a potent brain nutrient that lowers blood pressure, protects the heart, aids in detoxification, supports insulin health and elevates energy production Taurine also fights inflammation and can increase nitric oxide production which are both extremely

beneficial for muscle performance and recovery during and after exercise.



Alpha GPC- Strength

– Drive– Focus

Alpha Glycerol Phosphoryl Choline (Alpha GPC) is a natural physiological precursor to acetyl-choline, a neurotransmitter that is involved in memory and other cognitive functions. Alpha GPC may enhance the

‘mind-muscle’ connection by improving neural function in the brain. Alpha GPC is more bioavailable than other forms of choline and is known to cross the blood brain barrier into the brain more efficiently.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that supplementation with Alpha GPC can increase the brain’s synthesis of acetyl-choline. In this way, it helps to support cognitive function and mental acuity.

Alpha GPC also allows your body to utilize more of your muscle fibers during exercise, typically prohibited by your brain’s natural ‘safety mechanisms’ to prevent injury. Alpha GPC allows you to

slightly override this precaution while keeping you well within the safe parameter. Some people report adding 5-10% more weight and increased running times while supplementing with Alpha GPC which is

why many use it to assist with athletic performance.



DMAE- Focus– Drive

– Intensity

DMAE, or 2-dimethylaminoethanol, is a natural compound used to treat various central nervous system and brain disorders. DMAE is commonly advertised for its “brain boosting

power.” DMAE is found throughout the nervous system and in key areas of the brain. It may work by increasing levels of chemical acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that facilitates

communication between neurons. DMAE may play a role in treating memory lapses and has been used to combat symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Additional evidence suggests that

DMAE may also play a beneficial role against the impulsive and disruptive behaviors caused by attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) by promoting mental focus.



N-Acetyl L-Cysteine- Endurance

- Energy- Immune system support

N-Acetyl L-Cysteine is an L-Cysteine derivative that is more soluble and more stable than L-Cysteine. While L-Cysteine is readily available through diet, NAC is not present in the diet and must be obtained via dietary supplementation. NAC has been shown as a powerful antioxidant which neutralizes harmful free radicals that can cause oxidative damage to

bodily organs, DNA and muscle tissue. N-Acetyl L-Cysteine may also reduce oxidative stress and prevent onset of cancers and possibly slow the gaining process. It may also boost immune system function. NAC has also shown positive effects on liver function and is

commonly helped to treat liver failure. NAC has many other beneficial effects on the body, including preventing muscular fatigue by preventing the disruption of sodium-potassium

pumps in muscle cells, allowing you to work harder for longer.



L-Tryosine- Focus

- Metabolism support- Mood support

- Well-being

L-Tryosine is an essential amino acid that is a precursor of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine which maintain normal and healthy mental functions, mood and well-being. L-Tryosine also aids in adrenal, thyroid and pituitary function.

Additionally, L-Tryosine converts to the thyroid hormone thyroxin which plays an important role in controlling metabolic rate, skin health, mental health and growth rate. The performance related effects of L-Tryosine are also known to be enhanced

with combined with caffeine.



Piperine- Enhanced absorption- Weight management- Cognitive functioning

Piperine (black pepper extract, black pepper and the black pepper plant have been used for centuries in traditional Eastern medicine to treat gastrointestinal distress, pain, inflammation and other disorders. More recently piperine has been shown to reduce

fate levels in the blood stream and control weight management. The extract is also suggested to have anti-cancer proprieties and could also enhance cognitive functioning

and provide anti-depressant effects.

Piperine is most commonly used for its ability to enhance the absorption of other nutrients in the body. When used with other supplements piperine efficiently enhances

the absorption of the active ingredients of the supplements, maximizing their effect.



Product DescriptionElemental Package – Nutrition

The Elemental Training Package – Nutrition is a personalized nutrition plan custom made

for each individual client based on your goals, experience, and stats. Your program will provide a nutrition overview that gives a complete explanation of your program and a daily diet, a grocery list, and an alternative foods list with complete caloric and macro

nutrient information.

Once you purchase your package we will send you our exercise/nutrition questionnaire which provides us all the information we need to calculate the caloric intake and macro

nutrient ratios you need to reach your personalized health & fitness goals.

- Personalized Nutrition Plan- Nutrition Overview

- Custom made for each client- Plan based on client’s goals, preferences and stats



Product Description

Plain and simple, proper nutrition is the most important factor when it comes to building an impressive physique, particularly when the goal is to burn unwanted body fat. Many people starve themselves in order to lose unwanted weight. This not only ineffective but extremely harmful to your body and can permanently damage your metabolism. Learning what foods you need in order to reach your fat loss goals is not only much more effective, but will leave you fuller, stronger & more happy with your results than ever. The primary focus of the Fat Loss 101 eBook to do just that. This eBook provides a step-by-step explanation of what to eat and what supplements to take in order to burn fat while preserving end even building

lean muscle tissue. It also includes a complete nutrition overview, sample diet, and an approved alternative foods list with complete caloric and macro nutrient information. Stop guessing & figure out what YOU can do nutritionally to shred fat and build a lean athletic

figure! REAL results start today!



Product DescriptionIf you’re looking for a program that will provide a step-by-step explanation of what to eat,

how to workout & what supplements to take in order to get lean and ripped look no further.

Many people starve themselves in order to lose unwanted weight. This not only ineffective but extremely harmful to your body and can permanently damage your metabolism. Learning what foods you need in order to reach your fat loss goals is not only much more effective, but will leave you fuller,

stronger & more happy with your results than ever. The 9-Week Fat Loss Program is a 51 page, all inclusive, eBook that teaches you how to do just that.

In the nutrition component of this eBook you will find a complete nutrition overview that thoroughly explains fat loss nutrition & supplementation and includes a sample diet accompanied by an alternative foods list with complete caloric and macro nutrient information. The exercise component will provide

you a detailed 9-week muscle building workout regimen that utilizes periodization & metabolic elevation, with 54 individual workouts that will force your body to burn through layers of fat and

maintain and even build lean muscle tissue.Stop guessing & learn what YOU need to do in order to burn fat & build the physique you want.

Remember, an impressive physique is built both in the gym & in the kitchen. Get your copy of this eBook and begin the burn!



Product DescriptionIf you’re looking for a program that will provide a step-by-step explanation of what to eat,

how to workout & what supplements to take in order to gain massive amounts of REAL muscle while minimizing and even reducing unwanted body fat, look no further.

The 12-Week Mass Program is a 41 page, all inclusive, eBook. In the nutrition component of this eBook you will find a complete nutrition overview that thoroughly explains muscle

building nutrition & supplementation. You will also be provided body type specific nutrition guidelines, and 3 sample diets, one for each body type. The exercise component will

provide you a detailed 12-week muscle building workout regimen based on the principals of periodization, with over 48 individual workouts that will force your body to bust through

plateaus and continue to grow for 12 straight weeks.

Stop guessing & figure out how YOUR body works and how to properly build lean muscle WITHOUT gaining fat. Remember, an impressive physique is built both in the gym & in the

kitchen. Get your copy of this eBook today & let the gains begin!


Product DescriptionPremium Package – Extended Training, Nutrition & Supplementation

The Premium Package includes a 6-week personalized nutrition plan, exercises program, & supplementation regimen, all of which are custom made for each individual client based on

your individual goals, experience and stats.

The nutrition component of your program will provide a detailed nutrition overview explaining what you will be eating and why, a custom diet, a grocery list, and an alternative foods list with complete caloric and macro nutrient information so you can keep your diet


The training component of your program will take the guessing out of your exercise so you know exactly what to do and when to do it. Your program includes an exercise overview that will thoroughly explain what you are doing and why you are doing it, accompanied

with a detailed daily exercise schedule. Each training program is made from scratch based on each client’s goals, experience and stats.



With the Premium Package, you will also receive a personalized supplementation regimen. Your supplement regimen will include a complete & detailed explanation of each

supplement we suggest for your goals so you clearly understand why & how each supplement works to maximize the results of your program.

Once you purchase your package we will send you our exercise/nutrition questionnaire which provides us all the information we need to calculate the caloric intake and macro

nutrient ratios you need, which exercise modality and what supplements will work best to help you reach your personalized health & fitness goals.

- Personalized Training Program

- Personalized Nutrition Program- Personalized Supplement Regimen

- Grocery list- Alternative foods list

- Custom made for each individual client- Training Program & Nutrition Plan based on client’s goals, preferences, stats and




Product Description

Plain and simple, proper nutrition is the most important factor for building an impressive physique. Many people eat strictly to build muscle or lose fat. Why not build muscle AND lose fat? If you’re looking for a nutrition solution to help you build lean muscle tissue look no further. The Muscle Building 101 eBook provides a step-by-step explanation of what to

eat and what supplements to take in order to build massive amounts of muscle while minimizing and even reducing unwanted body fat.This eBook includes a complete nutrition

overview, sample diets (one for each of the three basic body types), and an approved alternative foods with complete caloric and macro nutrient information. Stop guessing &

figure out how YOUR body works and what YOU need to eat in order to properly build lean muscle WITHOUT gaining fat. REAL gains start today!




