First aid & safety



First Aid & Safety Kid

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First Aid & Safety

Ashley McMullen

Contents of a First Aid Kit

A First Aid Guide/Pamphlet can help people to make the correct decisions under pressurized decisions.

Some people are not as familiar with first aid techniques as others, so this pamphlet can help with certain situations.

Alcohol Prep Pads

Alcohol Prep Pads are used to clean wounds from cuts and scraps. This can remove some of the germs and dirt in order to properly bandage the wound.

Gauze Pads

Gauze pads create a barrier from the skin and the bandage. It can also help soak up blood from a large cut or wound.

Medic Gloves

Medic Gloves keep the medic’s hands clean and safe from any diseases someone may have.


Bandages help keep wounds clean and from receiving any dirt or particles in the wound. These also serve a purpose of keeping blood from leaving the wound at a large amount.


Scissors can be used to remove a piece of clothing in a hurry. If someone has a large injury and the medic cannot get to the wound, they can use scissors to remove that.

Also, scissors can be used to cut tape and string for dressing wounds.

Gauze Wrap

Gauze Wrap can help to cover a large bandage around an arm or leg.

Sterile Q-tips and Gauze

Sterile Q-tips and gauze pads are sterilized. They have never been touched by human hands for certain situations that require that type of dressing.


Tweezers can be used for removing particles or objects out of wounds.

Emergency SituationsA child falling and scrapping a leg can be a use for a first aid kit. A small band aid and an alcohol prep pad can be used in this situation.

Emergency Situations

A cut in the workplace is also another use for a first aid kid. A gauze wrap can be used here, the lady cut her wrist and the gauze pad can protect the cut from becoming further damaged and attracting other particles and germs.

Emergency Situations

A fall at soccer practice can require a first aid kit. A scrape on the knee will need an alcohol prep pad and a bandage. Maybe even possible some ice to retain swelling.
