Fitness for Seniors - In-Bed Moves and Exercise In Wheelchairs for Seniors and the Disabled - Part 2



Staying as active as possible even if you are bedridden or in a wheelchair can improve circulation, strengthen bones, muscles and joints, stimulate appetite and boost your mood, and is crucial, especially for seniors and the disabled.

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In-Bed Moves and Exercise In Wheelchairs for Seniors and the Disabled

Fitness for Seniors - Part 2

Staying active can improve circulation, strengthen bones, muscles and joints, stimulate appetite and boost your mood, and is crucial, especially for seniors and the disabled.

For the elderly and people with disabilities, incorporating physical activity into your daily life can get your blood pumping just about anywhere.

If you are bedridden, this can pose as a challenge, but not a barrier.

In-Bed Moves for Seniors and the Disabled

Here are a few ideas to get you moving • Lift legs straight off the bed. Flex arms and ankles.• Lift head off the pillow and turn from side to side.• Pull up on a bar above head (pull bars are available at medical supply stores).• Breathe deeply and exhale completely several times, taking in as much air as possible each time.• Lay flat with your legs straight, tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly lift your legs up and down.• Squeeze a ball or sponge.• If you can, lay flat and clench your thigh muscles and keep them tightened for five to 10 seconds at a time.• Repeat each exercise, gradually increasing the repetitions.

Exercise In Wheelchairs Staying as active as possible, even in a wheelchair, can improve circulation, boost your mood and help you to think more clearly.The benefits of exercise are immense!

Here are some ideas to get you started: • Kick legs. Flex ankles and arms.• Breathe deeply and exhale completely several times, taking in as much air as possible each time.• Stretch your arms straight out in front of your body, then stretch them out to the sides and back in front of you again.• Wheel wheelchair around the house or outside.• Stretch your arms out to your sides as far as they can go and move them in small circles; first clockwise, then counter-clockwise.• Throw a ball.• Get outside and shoot some baskets or go to the park.• Lift weights (such as soup cans).

Even if you do a little activity at a time throughout the day, research shows that it is more beneficial than if you didn't at all.
