FPMPAM Sarawak Medical Camp 2.4


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Day 4Medical Camp at Rumah AzizCampsite is to left of pic. we are standing on the road which is part of the Campsite ( seating area ).This group photo was taken at 4.45 pm after we have closed the Camp.The Camp was closed at 4 pm as the patients had stopped coming, and Encik Aziz needed the house back to prepare for Gawai.

Station 1.Where it all starts.For today, they will screen 197 patients, from 8am-12 noon, and 2-4pmGreat group. Always smiling while working

We were by the roadside.The morning sun was hot and heating all around including bodies and chairs and tablesThese volunteers were trying to put up shades to cool us down

And they came, about 197 of them.

The young

The very young

The very old

The main consult room is in the main hall of the house.The inside dining room next to kitchen is for the dentistsFans are fanning away as it was hot and humid.

They waited in the pouch.It was hot.There were 2 fans at full blastIt was still hot, very hot

Thank you - Team

The frontliners who get us started on the right note Standing - Dr Tajudin, Ms Chee Sitting – Monaliza, Molly Chew, Mr Cheow

Thank you - Team

The C4 team – all medical students at term breakMr Cheow Ms Chee

Ms ChongMs Choo

Thank you - Team

The drug pushers Amy and Garrick

Thank you - Team

Dr Tan Poh Teng GP and also chief Pharmacist

Dr Shan senior GP and keen teacher

Thank you - Team

Margaret- The surgeon / dispenser

Our hero – Col ( rtd ) Dr Tajudin He was in Kelantan, Nepal, Kemboja and now Kuching

Thank you - Team

Dr Steven Chow Our senior Dermatologist

Dr Andrew Fong- senior Ophthalmologist The most senior member of our team

Thank you - Team

Our “patient friendly, painless hard-working Dentists. We failed to capture the other dentist. They are camera shy

Thank you - Team

Dr John Tan – senior ENT surgeon Helping out at the pharmacy Part time photographer

Thank you - Team

So sorry Kim and Margaret I failed to find a pic of you at Batu Kitang. This pic is taken at the Hotel borrowed from Amy’s collection.



The curtains for the FPMPAM Sarawak Medical Camp 2 came down at about 4.45pm on 30th May 2015.