Fructose: Not the Enemy It's Made Out to Be?



Take a look at the facts and you might find that Fructose isnt as bad for you as the media would like you to believe

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Fructose: Why It’s Not As Bad As You Think It


Fructose: The Enemy?

• Fructose is being unfairly blamed for North America’s obesity issues

• The media is attacking Fructose almost daily, making people question whether it is healthy to eat high fructose fruits and vegetables…

• This focus on fructose hides the real problem and the cause of the developed world’s weight and overall health issues

What is Fructose?

• Fructose is a simple sugar that is naturally present in most fruits and vegetables

• The amount of fructose present depends on the type of fruit/vegetable and stage of ripeness

What is Fructose?

• If you want a healthy diet and to live a long life you need to eat fruits and vegetables, therefore you will consume fructose on a daily basis

• If you avoid fructose and therefore avoid fresh produce you will be unhealthy!

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

• High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is not the same as Fructose from fruits and vegetables HCFS is a manufactured product (not natural) Using enzymes corn syrup is turned in to fructose HCFS is found in most baked products and packaged

foods HCFS is used instead of regular sugar because it is


High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

• HFCS usually contains 55% fructose and 45% glucose, with regular sugar having a 50/50 split.(not that different from regular sugar!)

• An average can of soda contains up to 39 grams of HFCS

• The average American consumed 37.8lb of HFCS in 2008, along with 85.4lbs of sugar, that’s 1.6lbs of sugar per week

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

• Some studies linked obesity to consumption of HFCS

• Many of these have been discredited or weight gain linked to calories consumed rather than Fructose itself

• Fruits and vegetables contain fiber which reduces the amount of Fructose you will consume, HFCS doesn’t contain fiber

HFCS not Healthy but Not to Blame

• No-one can argue HFCS is healthy, but it is not THE issue

• American’s consuming too much sugar, but they are also: Eating too much fat Consuming fast foods

& eating out more regularly Eating foods that have

been processed or refined

HFCS not Healthy but Not to Blame

Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables that are nutritionally depleted through intensive farming methods

Consuming a toxic mix of artificial colors, preservatives, additives and other nasties

Becoming more sedentary Experiencing more stress

• The media should also be careful to ensure people are aware that Fructose and HFCS are NOT the same thing

HFCS not Healthy but Not to Blame

• To single-out Fructose as the cause of the obesity epidemic is short-sighed and not helpful

• Masks the real problems and gives people ‘something’ to blame rather than looking at their own diet and lifestyle

• Take the focus of HFCS and put it on educating people to make the right choices and take responsibility for the ‘fuel’ they put in to their body

HFCS Alternatives More Deadly

• Many diet soda’s contain Aspartame rather than HFCS Aspartame is one of the most toxic chemicals

available in our food system and should be completely avoided

• Some ‘natural’ sugar alternatives are not that great For example Argave Syrup actually contains 97%

fructose and is heavily refined

What Can You Do?

Continue to eat fresh fruits and vegetables (even if they are high in Fructose)

Avoid foods that have been refined, processed, packaged or altered from their natural state

Demand clean, additive free foods from your grocery store

ALWAYS read labels Avoid artificial sweeteners Eat spray free or organic produce Drink plenty of clean water / exercise Cleanse regularly

Find Out More…

• Read the full article about Fructose here

• Find out more about living a clean, healthy toxin free lifestyle on our website
