Gain Sleep to Lose Weight


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Gain Sleep to Lose Weight! By Ilana Fishof Muhlstein

Dietetic Intern, City of Hope Medical Center


1. Overview

2. Effect of Sleep on Appetite Hormones

3. Sleep Deprivation Impacts Obesity

4. Diet Guidelines for Improved Sleep

5. Exercise Promotes Sleep

6. Conclusion

7. Questions

● 28% of adults are now reporting that they get 6 or fewer hours of sleep per night

● Sleep largely impacts our appetite ● It is recommended to get 6 to 8 hours per

night● As Americans report getting less sleep,

obesity rates continue to rise, indicating a notable link


Leptin, Ghrelin and Appetite

● Leptin is produced by the body's fat cells and suppresses the feeling of hunger

● Ghrelin is released by the stomach and stimulates appetite

● A lack of sleep causes the body to decrease levels of leptin and increase the levels of ghrelin in the body, making you feel extra hungry

● The opposite is also true: Adequate sleep decreases the feeling of hunger

● Study showed that the less people sleep, the worse their snacking habits

● People who slept 5 hours on average, compared to people who slept 6-7 hours, took in average of 550 more calories per day

● People who are sleep deprived take in more calories but don't expend more calories

● They also tend to grab quick high energy foods such as pastries and high sugar drinks

● These foods burn quickly causing you to burn out quicker

Sleep Deprivation Impacts Obesity

● Healthy study subjects were given up to 9 hours to sleep and enough food to maintain weight

● One group was restricted to 5 hours and the other group stayed at 9 hours and were both given a greater access to food

● Switching to a sleep restricted schedule led the group to gain an average of 2 lb. in 5 days whereas the sleep sufficient group reduced energy intake, especially in CHO and fat, and lost weight

Sleep Deprivation Impacts Obesity

Sleep Deprivation Impacts Obesity

● People who have the deepest sleep patterns have healthier eating patterns as well

● The groups were: very short sleep (less than 5 hrs), short sleep (5-6 hrs), normal sleep (7-8 hrs), and long sleep (9 hrs or more)

● Food variety was highest in the normal sleep group and lowest in the very short sleep group

● As compared to the normal sleep group, short sleep had lowers levels of water, vit C, lycopene, and selenium

● It was also shown to be unhealthy to oversleep

Sleep's Impact on Obesity and Diabetes

Diet Guidelines for Better Sleep

● Gradually cut back your caffeine intake ● Avoid alcohol which can disrupt sleep ● Eat a low fat dinner 3+ hours before bedtime● Keep the meal simple, light and clean● Avoid spicy foods, which can cause heartburn● A very small CHO-rich snack 30 min. before

bedtime can increase serotonin ● Avoid fluids 2 hours before sleep if it causes

you to wake up in the middle of the night ● If you have sleep apnea, losing 10% of your

body weight can help

Exercise Promotes Deep Sleep

● 2013 Sleep in America Poll finds that people who exercise at anytime of the day report sleeping better and feeling more rested than those who don't exercise

● Exercise can help you sleep sounder and longer and feel more awake during the day

● Cardiovascular exercise has the greatest impact


● Sleep 6-8 hours per night ● If tired, focus on high protein snacks with a

complex carbohydrate for sustained energy● Eat a healthy diet with a lot of variety● Make adjustments to your diet that

contribute to good sleep (i.e. cut back on alcohol and caffeine)

● Get 30 minutes of exercise at least 4 times per week

Nap Time!

● Just joking, any questions??
