Green Tea Benefits: Antioxidants to the Rescue


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Green Tea

BenefitsAntioxidants to

the Rescue!


Green tea comes from the same plant family as

Oolong tea and black tea.

Among the three, green teas have the least level of oxidization.

It is the mildest form of tea, with no bitter taste.

This tasty tea also packs a

nice heaping of health benefits!

Green Tea


1 Acts as an Antioxidant.


A daily cup helps to remove free radicals and slightly decreases the

chance of getting diseases such as cancer, stroke, and diabetes.

Acts as an Antioxidant.

2 Makes you Smarter


Those regularly consumed a cup of green tea daily have a lower rate of

mental decline.

Makes you Smarter

3 Healthy Bones


Green tea drinkers have a better bone mineral density (BMD) than

nondrinkers according to studies.

Healthy Bones

4 Healthy Teeth


The antioxidant “catechin” found in green teas has been shown to

destroy bacteria found in the teeth.

Healthy Teeth

5 Fights Diabetes


Diabetic patients taking both hyperglycemic medication and

regularly drinking green tea have lower blood sugar levels than those simply

taking hyperglycemic medication.

Fights Diabetes

6 Decreases anxiety and reduces stress.


Green tea blocks the neurotransmitter GABA, which is

well known as a cause of anxiety.

Decreases anxiety and reduces stress.

7 Boosts Metabolism


The polyphenols contained in green tea have been shown to help block

the enzymes that build fat.

Boosts Metabolism

8 Fights Cancer.


Regular consumption of green tea has shown to reduce the risk of

certain cancers by 20-60%.

Fights Cancer.

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