Hair Loss Treatments and Tips You Shouldn’t Miss


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Hair Loss Treatments and Tips You Shouldn’t Miss

A woman’s femininity, self-confidence, and poise are often intimately tied to her hair.

For most women, their hair defines how they are accepted in society, which is why most women spend so much time and money enhancing, slightly transforming, or even radically recreating their crowning glory. After all, when you like what you see in the mirror, you feel better and do better during the day.

In the contrary, hair loss is devastating for a woman’s self-image and emotional well-being. That’s why being proactive and addressing female hair loss at the first signs spells the big difference.

If you are a female hair loss sufferer, you don’t have to resign yourself to a life of wearing headscarves, wigs, or hats. You can take the right steps to stop further loss or prevent hair loss from recurring. But first you must know why you’re losing your hair.

Female hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including genetics, hormonal imbalance, age, stress, drugs, diet and certain medications. In some situations, the hair can grow back once the reason for the hair loss is addressed. That’s why knowing why your hair is falling out is important.

The main cause of hair loss is DHT. Naturally, testosterone converts to DHT in the body and most of them bind to the receptors in the scalp follicles, shrinking them and making the hair fall out. This process of testosterone converting to DHT is normal and happens to both men and women. Typically, women have minute levels of testosterone, and normal levels of estrogen to fight off DHT. But when testosterone levels rise in women, the overproduction of DHT can cause hair loss.

Instead of choosing hair loss treatments right away, seek medical advice first. Women who experience hair loss tend to hide their condition, even to their physician. However, it’s essential that you see your physician immediately when you notice hair shed beyond the normal amount of approximately 50-100 hairs from the scalp everyday.

Your primary care physician will run tests to diagnose the problem so you can take steps to correct it. If this is due to some drugs, medical condition, or stress, the hair loss will subside after the condition has been stopped or treated. But other forms of hair loss need hair loss treatments to stop further loss and to prevent it from recurring.

To replace the hair that has fallen out, your traditional options for hair loss treatments include oral medications, topical applications, laser therapy, hair systems, or hair transplants. Each hair loss treatment has its own strengths and weaknesses. Whatever option you choose, make sure you are emotionally ready for the process and that you choose something out from an informed decision and a hair loss treatment that works for you.
