Health benefits of amino acid supplements


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Health Benefits of Amino Acid Supplements

Amino acids are important to health because they are the building blocks that make up proteins.

Proteins are the structural components of every cell in the body.

Most of the amino acids in the body are produced by the liver. These are called non-essential amino acids.

Essential amino acids come from the diet because the body cannot manufacture them.

Why Some May NOT Be Getting Enough Essential Amino Acids

Consuming a vegan diet.



Drug use.

Impaired absorption.

People who have liver disease lose more proteins than others.

What Happens When You’re Low in Essential Amino Acids



Stunted growth.

Essential Amino Acid Supplements

The Branched Chain Amino Acids or BCAA (leucine, isoleucine, valine)

They help increase muscle mass, prevent muscle breakdown, and help in recovery after workouts.


A non-essential amino acid, helps in immune functions, wound healing, detoxification reactions, promoting insulin secretion, and improving sexual function.


Serves as a fuel source for cells lining the intestines and is involved in several metabolic processes.


It has been found to help in collagen formation as well as building muscle and recovering from muscle injuries.


Tyrosine is known as the ‘anti-depressant’ among the amino acids. It also aids in the manufacture of melanin, the skin pigment that also acts as an antioxidant.


It helps prevent muscle loss that is associated with aging.

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