Hearing Aid Help San Diego



(619) 569-1937 http://hearing-aids-san-diego-ca.com Need some hearing aid troubleshooting? Does your hearing aid sound weak, distorted, or (forbid it) completely dead? Do not panic! There are often some simple, easy to fix issues causing these problems, and you may able to fix the issue at home! There are a few uncomplicated tips you can follow to troubleshoot your hearing instrument. If you feel comfortable, give these tips a try. If you feel hesitant to attempt these suggestions, call your hearing healthcare provider. Many issues can be resolved by a quick visit to your provider's office. 1310 Rosecrans Street, Suite A San Diego, CA 92106

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Call Today(619) 569-1937

Visit Our Websitehttp://Hearing-Aids-San-Diego-Ca.com


My Hearing Aid Isn’t Working!

Need some hearing aid troubleshooting? Does your hearing aid sound

weak, distorted, or (forbid it) completely dead? Do not panic!

There are often some simple, easy to fix issues causing these problems,

and you may be able to fix the issue at home!

One of the most common causes of hearing aid dysfunction is due to

blockages or obstructions in the aid. Obstructions may occur in the microphone

ports, but more commonly happen in the portion that

fits into your outer ear canal.

To clean debris obstructions from the microphones, gently brush

away build up from the microphone ports. To remove wax and other

blockages from the canal portion of the hearing aid, use a wax pick to

gently pick out any debris from the sound port and vent openings. Do not press deeply, as the speaker may become unseated from its


Moisture build up may also be to blame. Placing your aid in a

dehumidifier may help to remove moisture. If you do

not have a dehumidifier, you may place the aid in a bag of dry rice overnight. Remove

the batteries prior to dehumidifying your hearing


Defective, weak, or dead batteries or improper

battery placement can also be an issue. Try placing a

new battery in your hearing aids, and be certain to

check the positioning and placement.

Lastly, check for user error. Everyone makes a mistake


-Is the battery the proper size?

-Is the battery in properly? -Is the battery door closed fully? -Have you turned on

your hearing aid? -Is any switch in the incorrect position?

These issues may be easy to fix on your own. If you

cannot remedy the situation or are afraid of doing

greater damage, call your provider for an appointment.

Call Today(619) 569-1937

Visit Our Websitehttp://Hearing-Aids-San-Diego-Ca.com
