Heated jackets for every photographer



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Heated Jacket: Every Photographer Should Have One

Lots of people disregard the many uses of a heated jacket. Often, they think of it as another expense or item that they can do without. In most cases, this is true. But what if your profession is outdoor photography?

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You see, in order for photographers to impress their clients, they will disregard their own safety and

wellbeing just to find that perfect shot. This means that photos are shot from even the most extreme temperatures. Now in this situation, if you don’t have the proper gear like a heated jacket, then you are in big trouble.

Why should photographers buy heated apparel?

One word should answer this question, Frostbite. According to doctors, when the body most especially the hands are exposed to too much cold, it freezes and loses blood circulation. This is a situation most commonly observed in photographers. You see, to carry all that gear, photographers remove the layers of clothes that they should be wearing to keep warm. So the end result of this is that their bodies will lose warmth fast and this is where frostbites come in.

Advantages of heated clothing

By wearing a heated jacket, the photographers can maintain their body heat without the worries of

additional weight. This heat will be beneficial in maintaining the blood circulation and encourage the capillaries to send oxygen filled blood all over the body.

Another advantage is that you won’t have to worry about getting sick from the cold. Also, there are therapeutic effects for the person wearing it. So if you have arthritis, then don’t worry about it since the warmth of the heated apparel will relive you of your pain.

What is the difference of heated apparel compared to other clothes?

Think of it this way, which would you prefer, bulky clothes or a single piece of clothing that is enough to keep you warm? If your answer is the latter then that is a good choice.

A heated jacket is made with alloys or in some cases coils built into them. This is the medium for heat

transmission. So the coils powered by the battery will produce the much needed heat.

Yes, wearing layers upon layers of clothes is really cheap as compared to buying heated apparel, but will you get the same results? Aside from the additional weight, you will also lose some mobility which is needed especially in extreme photoshoots.

Where can you buy these clothes?

A popular place to look for a heated jacket is the internet. In fact, there are various manufacturers that make these jackets. But, study and compare first before you buy since some are more expensive than others.

The Answer for the Photographer’s Shaking Hands

I started liking camera even more than my toys and sports, when I was just 5 years old. My mother and father then gave me this little disposable camera that I used to shoot the subjects I wanted, like my pet dog. Now, I have reached my dream being a well-known photographer, I left my comfort zone being just an ordinary photographer, what I want to do now is capturing wildlife within my every shot. I love capturing wildlife moments at which, not all of us in this field can. I’m just having this problem whenever we have to shoot in these body-shivering, cold places with my crew. So I looked for a solution, and one day as I surf the internet, I discovered the solution for my problem with these heated jackets.

Just year ago, I received an invitation from my Russian photographer friend, to shoot wildlife in Eastern Siberia, where the coldest towns on earth are located. I was excited and prepared the thickest

jackets I have to keep me warm while we’re shooting, but I did not expect it to be that cold. I was tempted to make fire to keep us warm or even just my arms so I can hold my camera perfectly but I should not, the wild animals might know we’re there and might attack us! So I had no choice but to just endure that cold weather till I can while we’re looking for polar bears and seals. After I have seen my shots, I get frustrated because I think I could have taken shots better than what I’ve got, but since my hands are shaking and my body is getting numb that time, that’s all I’ve got. So I have to do something about it and as soon as I arrived home, I asked the other members of our photographer’s guild. They advised me to have heated apparels like gloves, vests, socks and of course, jackets to help me survive when I’m shooting again in cold places. They even suggested a site named, Plusheat.com that sells thermal clothing and gears. So I checked it out, after all I was not aware that there are such products. I looked for what they say a heated jacket

and decided to go for one with a brand called Ventureheat. And when I used it, yes, it really works!

Buy Heated Base Layer For Photographers

When I still don’t know about heated jackets, I thought of not going to cold places anymore to shoot for wildlife, I even thought of just going to deserts or in tropical forests, just not in ice lands. But now, I know it’s time to step up, to go beyond my limitations. Now, I can go anywhere, to deserts, forests or even at the peak of Mt. Everest, who cares about that cold weather?

So I called my friend and asked him to go with me in Antarctica. I bragged about my jacket, and I told him that nothing can stop me now capturing those wild animals in my camera!
