Hope agenda


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We at (HOPE) are committed to:-

Working with and caring for abused children and young adults in an effort to bring about healing to victims of abuse and maltreatment. This will be done by providing the necessary professional help and support required through treatment in a holistic setting inclusive of ……

a. Treating psychological wounds brought on by the suffering endured as a result of trauma brought on by different forms of abuse.

b. Helping them to achieve as high a standard of life as possible by providing avenues for change. These would include, mentoring, counseling, and training in academics, self-care and other areas of personal and social development.

c. Ensuring that spirituality is explored understood and fostered in the lives of these children and young adults.

d. Ensuring the optimal physical health of affected children and young adults by providing the appropriate diet, exercise and medical care.

Youth in crisis and in transit
