How to get straight teeth with Retainers?


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How To Get Straight Teeth

- With Retainers

Crooked Teeth

• Do you have crooked teeth? Have

you ever used braces or retainers


• Usually, the need of braces or

retainers will vary from people and

their teeth complexity.

• Here are some ideas for selecting

the suitable alternatives for

straightening your teeth.

1. Find An Orthodontist

Find An Orthodontist

• Find an orthodontist, who is

familiar with all available teeth

straightening options, because

some orthodontists focus only

on braces or Invisalign

aligners, and will unavoidably

try to guide you to one of

these costly options.

2. Treatment Options

Treatment Options

• After examining your teeth (include

both oral exam as well as a

panoramic x-ray), the orthodontist

will suggest treatment options.

• Remember, you are a unique

candidate for spring retainers, the

orthodontist will offer you the

treatment plan based on the time

frame, cost and your teeth


3. Schedule an Appointment

Schedule An Appointment

• Fix an appointment with your

orthodontist for impressions of

your teeth to be made.

• This is the pattern of your

tooth structure that will send to

lab for creating the custom

retainers for you.

4. Make Regular Visit to Orthodontist

Make Regular Visit to Orthodontist

• Making regular visits to

your orthodontist will

help you to know

whether your teeth

started to move towards

the desired position.

Time Period of the Treatment

Time Period of the Treatment

• When both you and your

orthodontist are satisfied with

the tooth movement, your

treatment will be considered

as complete!

• The basic treatment time could

come for 6 months to 1 year.


• Wear your retainers also at night;

this will help you to obtain

straight teeth in quick time.

• Most orthodontist will fit retainers

on your teeth without springs and

you are also supposed to have

the option of clear retainers

similar to Invisalign trays.

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