How to plan a muscle building routine


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Content 1. How to Plan a Muscle Building Routine

2. Avoiding Common Mistakes When Developing A No

Nonsense Muscle Building Plan

3. Protein Intake and Muscle Building Routine

4. Muscle-Building Workouts - Basic Principles for


5. Surefire Muscle Building Tips For Obtaining

Maximum Results

1. How to Plan a Muscle Building Routine

Muscle building routine is a technique; when a person is trying to get

into healthy shape. Cutting down fat from your body is also

accomplished in an easily way when you are working on building

muscle because muscle start burning more fat than its normal habit.

The great thing regarding well planned muscle building routines is

that they will allow you have a good diet, so as a weight watcher

have a trouble-free time while losing weight. A distinctive muscle

building training burns about 200 to 400 calories every half an hour

while a well planned work-out.

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When you are new to muscle bailing routines, then the initial thing

you crave a place where you find help in muscle building work-out

plan and a well balanced diet program. Start looking for your trouble

areas and which you would like to transform. Then try to focus on

things you will require while commencing your workout routine.

Universally it is observed that people have a propensity to focus on 2

to 3 groups of muscle in a workout session, consider the fact how

many days you should allot for workout this will provide an effective

muscle building routines. If you want to get desirable results from

work-out plan at least three times per week, some trainers works out

all five days in a week to get results, it depends on how many

muscles you were using during a weight lifting session.

If you are more firm in thrashing your fat and improve the muscles

mass you should be more consistent in following your plan. First

focus on whole upper body primarily and then working the entire

lower body in the next session, the basis why there should be gap

given in between workouts is because the body needs time to relax

so the muscles can nurture. If you wish, you may work equally on

your upper body and lower body at least twice in a week, but it is

vital that you do not exaggerate your work out routine because while

the muscles are relentlessly being worked, there can be no room for


If you want to squander more time focusing on a specific muscle, at

least give four to five days to the area of focus and work out until

exhaustion. These types of muscle building routine consist of

working out biceps, triceps, and chest muscle primarily and then

paying attention on other parts of the body.

2. Avoiding Common Mistakes When Developing A No

Nonsense Muscle Building Plan

It's really not difficult to start gaining muscle once you have put a

simple no nonsense muscle building plan into action. Like so many

others, when I started out I struggled to put on quality lean muscle

mass. I made the same mistakes that are so common among weight

lifters. By simply avoiding the mistakes of overtraining, inadequate

nutrition and lack of rest you can quickly turn things around and

really start seeing some results.

Mistake of Overtraining

Looking at any of the muscle magazines you probably think that the

answer to gaining muscle is to be in the gym for several hours a day

six days a week. Quite a few of these workout plans have you doing

split routines whereby you train twice a day, once in the morning

and once in the evening. The advice found in these publications

proclaims that the more you train the more muscle you'll gain. It's

this type of mentality that gets most beginners into trouble. If you're

following the routines found in any of the muscle magazines you're

probably overtraining unless of course you're one of the few

genetically gifted or you're using dangerous chemicals to enhance

recovery. Simply put, overtraining occurs when you train too long,

train too frequently or you train before your body has recovered

from the prior training session. In this state the body is unable to

fully recuperate and optimal muscle growth does not occur.

Mistake of Inadequate Nutrition

Not eating enough quality calories is probably the number one thing

that prevents beginners from putting on muscle mass. Even if you

have the perfect workout routine, if you don't consume enough of

the right nutrients at the right time you will never see muscle gains.

In order for your muscles to grow they must have quality protein,

carbs and fat. Additionally, these must be combined and consumed

in a precise way to maximize muscle growth. Eating 3,000 calories of

burgers and chips is not the same as eating 3,000 calories of lean

protein, complex carbohydrates and good fats. If your goal is to get

fat and look out of shape just stick with the burgers and chips.

However, if your goal is to pack on muscle and have a ripped

physique you better put together a comprehensive diet based upon

your particular caloric needs.

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Mistake of Lack of Rest

Getting the proper amount of rest serves many purposes but for our

discussion here you must understand that your muscles grow when

you rest not when you're at the gym. Getting enough sleep enables

your body to recover and get back to the gym and train again. During

quality sleep growth hormone levels rise and the body releases

testosterone. These are both essential ingredients in the muscle

building formula. To rapidly increase lean muscle mass, most people

will benefit from somewhere around 8 hours of sleep at night and if

possible, taking a twenty minute nap during the day.

The Approach You're Using

If you have been having a hard time trying to put on muscle you

should take a close look at the approach you've been using. Does

your training schedule allow each body part to fully recover before

being trained again? Are you consuming enough protein,

carbohydrates and good fats to fuel your body and promote optimal

muscle growth? Do you get enough sleep and rest between

workouts? By answering these questions and implementing a simple

no nonsense muscle building plan you can avoid these common

mistakes and quickly put on lean muscle mass and change your


3. Protein Intake and Muscle Building Routine

After water, protein is the largest constituent in our body that plays a

vital function in appropriate performance of our living system. When

you are planning muscle building routine or in other words want to

lose fat, you must have unquestionable heard about the benefits of

protein. We all know that with growing age muscle diminishes so

building muscle mass with exercise or by consuming accurate

amount protein can help you prevent this loss. For building muscle

mass the rule of thumb is to eat at least one gram of protein per

pound of body weight each day, it's important that you should

complement your protein diet with the right amount of

carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are very essential to amplify the

natural release of insulin, a hormone that is one of the bodies' most

compelling anabolic or muscle building hormone.

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Building muscle mass help protect your joints from injury especially

in athlete, in recent studies the fact has established that the

incidence of injury is lower in athletes who were well qualified and

have the right amount of muscle mass. Building muscle strength is

important for persons with skeletal muscle problems; it can decrease

the signs and symptoms of numerous chronic conditions, like back

pain, diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis. Building muscle mass can

also increase your stamina and reducing stress on bones, increasing

bone density which results in a decrease prevalence of osteoporosis.

As mentions earlier that when you lose weight your body gain more

muscle mass, hence building muscle mass can help you burn more

calories effectively. The more toned your body is, the easier is to

manage your body weight.

One of the advantages of building muscle under supervision is that it

may reduce the risk of having diabetes in the adult population.

Diabetes specialists have proposed that people trying to lose weight

not just to look smart but also to protect them from diabetes. New

research has definitively that there is a possible benefit in diabetes

by building muscle, not just losing fat. American College of Sports

Medicine lately recommends that healthy adults should always do

exercises- like lifting weights 3 to 4 day per week to avoid them from

diabetes and other serious health issues regarding weight. Keep in

view the fact that a muscle building routine is helpful in some of the

medical conditions more scientific studies should be conducted in

this direction for better understanding of muscle building routines as

a preventive measure against diabetes and other similar conditions.

4. Muscle-Building Workouts - Basic Principles for


In building muscles and creating a perfectly carved physique, there

are basic principles that you must understand if you must achieve

this. When it comes to building of muscles your body as a whole

should be put into consideration. Do not plan to build just one

particular part of your body and leave the rest. Doing this might give

room to unnecessary health problems. Ensure that every muscle is

given proper attention, make sure that every muscle is properly


Muscle-building requires patience. Just like a farmer who goes to the

farm to plant a seed but expects his harvest later. You must learn to

be patience and also full of endurance in other to achieve your set

goals, you also need to be self-motivated and understand that results

don't come over night, it happens over a given period of time and

therefore need determination, patience and endurance. these are

basic elements that are responsible for the achievement of an

excellent physique.

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Muscle-building workout routines are laid down rules and plans that

are intended to guide you in the course of your muscle-building

exercise. So if you don't have a workout routine yet, I will advise you

to get one as soon as possible as it will prevent you from doing

unnecessary things which may mar your efforts.

Muscle-building Basics

Many body-building enthusiasts are not interested in growing more

muscle, all they want is to look trim, slim and fit just. This can be

done by doing normal exercise that keeps the body fit without

increasing the muscles. Such kind of people need proper workout

routine that has been regulated by an expert to avoid mistakes. This

kind of routine can also be adopted by beginners as this is a style of

exercise that involves all the body muscles and causes improvement

in all the areas of the body both in muscle growth and general

healthy. After mastering this routine you can move to the next

difficulty level.

Ensure that every workout routine starts with a proper warm up.

Warming-up before the main exercise helps tune the body to the

right condition for a more difficult workout session. 15-20 minutes of

warm-up exercise is required every day and the kind of warm-up

exercises that should be done are aerobics such as jogging, running,

hiking, biking, swimming, dancing, walking, push-ups, dips, pull-ups,

stretches, skipping ropes and a host of others.

After doing the warm-up exercises you can move on to the next step

which has to do with the use of body-building equipment.

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Biceps Workouts

Biceps workout is concentrated on your arm. Stand upright holding a

dumbbell or barbell and gradually move it to your shoulders. Do 10-

12 reps and repeat this 3 times for an excellent effect.

Triceps workout

Stand upright on an overhead pulley, add as many bars to it as you

can lift at once but do this with the help of an instructor. Pull the

weight downwardly from the top and take it back up in a very slow

manner in order to increase its effect.

Remember one thing; all bodies don't respond in the same way, they

all respond differently even under the same condition and would do

the same under the same muscle-building workout routine so be

careful with the kind of routine you decide to adopt. Have fun as you

build your muscle.

5. Surefire Muscle Building Tips For Obtaining

Maximum Results

While most people think of building muscle as bodybuilding, if you're

doing it for health you don't have to end up massive and bulging with

muscle. Simple, effective muscle building will leave you looking

relatively slight, but with the techniques in this article you'll still

enjoy the health benefits from your hard work.

Do not overlook the importance of rest in muscle growth. Believe it

or not, growth actually occurs during rest, so if you are not getting

enough of it, your muscled will not grow or be adequately

conditioned. Working out stimulates muscles, and during rest your

body gets to work at building the muscles. You need to understand

this process and factor rest into your muscle conditioning or building


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Aim for a high number of reps with medium-intensity weight when

you train. For each individual exercise you do, try to do a set of 10 to

15 reps, resting less than one minute in between each set. This

causes lactic acid to build up in your muscles, which makes you "feel

the burn" while stimulating growth.

You may want to incorporate extended break periods into your long-

term strategy for muscle building. All resistance training requires

recovery periods in between workouts, but you can improve your

performance by taking the occasional long break. Giving up exercise

for one week (or even two) gives your body a chance to recover

completely. Remember to continue eating healthy during an

extended break, though.

Drink water before, during, and after your workouts to get the best

results when trying to build muscle. Because muscle tissue is

composed of up to 70 percent water, it is very important that you

replace that which you lose through workouts and your daily routine.

Eight to ten glasses a day is a good starting point, but you may need

much more if your workouts are intense.

When doing a workout it is important to focus on only one exercise

per body part when doing a full-body workout. This will help to

ensure that you are maximizing your workout and not risking an

injury. This will also help you to focus on your breathing and doing

the exercises properly.

Crank up some music. Research has shown that listening to music

you love while you are lifting can help you do more reps than not

listening to any music at all or not listening to the music that you like.

In addition, having headphones can help distract you from having a

conversation with others that will defer your workout.

Make sure that you are eating healthy foods every 3 hours. Figure

out how many calories you will need to consume every day, and then

divide that by six. The number that you get will tell you how many

calories you will need to consume while you are eating your meals.

Everyone would like to be healthier and look great, and what you've

learned here should help you get started towards reaching your

goals. You'll be able to look great, have plenty of self-esteem and

reap the health rewards that come along with building your body in a

safe and effective way. Enjoy your new life and body!

I enjoy writing about health and muscle building is part of a healthy

body. For more muscle building ideas please visit us