If You Are What You Eat, I Must Be Nuts by ie



Nutrition For Energy

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If You Are What You Eat, I Must Be Nuts!

Nutrition For Energy

Sharing the essentials that bring abundance and vibrancy

to life!Copyright © 2012 Libby Doubler

www.Integrative Essentials.com

Libby Doubler, CHC, AADP, AHMA

Your life is out of balance. One day you look around and do not like what you see. Overweight, alone, and depressed. What to do?

• You have the desire, but don’t know where to start.

• You’re tired of trying, so close to giving up.

• You know you could succeed, if you had the right support.

• A Certified Health Coach can be just what you need!

At the end of this session, I will introduce some of my programs that will support your effort and help you take action. Plus, you will get a couple of special offers!

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My Personal Story

Like most of us, I’ve always loved food. I remember eating an entire box of donuts in one sitting. However, about 11 years ago, my wonderful husband needed care by me while he went through 2 bouts of cancer. It was my privilege. However, I didn’t notice how much weight I was gaining, nutrition for myself was non-existent. I became very sick and intolerances to food became apparent. I was toxic!

After he passed away about 6 years ago, I had to look at myself and didn’t like what I saw. I was sick, sad, obese, fatigued, and felt very alone. It was time to get to work—and that is exactly what I did.

On the left is me 7 toxic years

and 60 pounds ago

On the right, this is me now. I’m not smiling

because I’m thinner. I’m

smiling because I’m happy again.

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Our Topic Today

The Breakfast Experiment

3 Basic Principles

• Create Sustained Energy

Foods to use

Foods to avoid

• Nourish Your Nervous System

• Reduce Toxic Load

Nourish Your Soul

Top Ten Tips

Next Step and Special Offers

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The Breakfast Experiment

On four different days, try four different breakfasts:

• Sugary Cereal – e.g. Cap’n Crunch, Lucky Charms

• Bowl of Warm Oatmeal

• An Egg or Two

• Big Omelet with Bacon, Home Fries, and Buttered Toast

How do they make you feel afterwards?

How is your energy for the rest of the morning?

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You Are What You Eat

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Three Basic Principles (To Boost Energy and Vitality)

1. Create Sustained Energy

• Foods to Eat

• Foods to Avoid

2. Stimulate and Nourish the Nervous System

3. Reduce Toxic Load

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Create Sustained Energy• Minimize spikes and crashes in energy level by limiting fluctuation in

blood sugar level

• Better focus, improved concentration, and more stable mood

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Create Sustained Energy – Foods to Eat• Meals with low Glycemic Load:

Whole Foods (not processed food-like substances)– whole grains, vegetables, beans – high in complex carbohydrates and fiber

• Foods rich in B vitamins, which helps energy production – e.g. whole grains

• Foods that are “alive” – enzymes and friendly bacteria truly aid digestion – e.g. raw foods, yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, natto.

• “Superfoods” that are nutrient-dense: Big Bangs For Your Calorie Buck – e.g. leafy greens such as collard, kale, spirulina, and sea vegetables.

• Eat just the right amount and type of protein – so you need to keep a food journal; also observe the sequence of eating protein and carbohydrates

• Drink Water!

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Create Sustained Energy – Foods to Avoid Caffeine and Coffee – causes blood sugar fluctuation, resulting in

mood swing.

Sugar, soft drinks – causes sugar crash, mood swing, poor concentration.

To get support in kicking your sugar dependency, check out my Sweet Sugar Blues class at www.IntegrativeEssentials.com.

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Care For Your Nervous System

• Restore and replenish your energy - strengthen nervous system – burdock, dandelion, gingko, nettle, oats, and Siberian ginseng.

• Stay focused without the caffeine jitter - Explore coffee alternatives such as Yerba Mate, green tea, black tea, or Rooibos (African Red Bush)

• Feel calm and relaxed so you can get the rest you need – try chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, lavender oil, and oats.

• Try taking a calcium supplement in the evening.

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Reduce Toxic Load

When the body expends less energy on detoxifying environmental toxins =

• More energy for other activities

• Less brain fog

• Stronger immune system

• Better digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients

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Ways to Reduce Toxic Load• Gentle Detox

Use foods and herbs that support liver, kidney, and colon detox (e.g. milk thistle), and food grade diatomaceous earth.

Encourage elimination through skin (the largest organ for elimination) – sweating and dry brushing

• Buy and eat organic foods as much as possible to reduce exposure to pesticides and herbicides – learn about the “dirty dozen” and “clean twelve”

• Avoid:

Processed, packaged foods – chemical ingredients, artificial sweeteners, trans fat – things your body doesn’t recognize as food…

Alcohol – a lot of work for the liver


Household and personal products with a lot of chemicals – try to use natural and organic products as much as possible.

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REVIEW - Three Basic Principles (To Boost Energy and

Vitality)• Create Sustained Energy

• Stimulate and Nourish the Nervous System

• Reduce Toxic Load

What are three things that you can do right now?Now think about three foods that you could be eating for energy but aren’t – how can you incorporate them into your diet?  Would it be substituting cold cereal from a box with oatmeal, starting with just a couple mornings a week and work your way up?  Would it be simply having some celery in the fridge so that instead of chips you have something healthier to go with the dip?

Maybe having some green juice powder handy so you don’t have to reach for the can of coke?

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Nourish Your Soul• Clean, fresh air• Exercise/Movement• Meaningful relationship• Fulfilling career• Rest and relaxation• Spiritual practice• Practice gratitude

Create a nourishment menu for yourself. An exercise that I want you to do is think of ways that energize you and put them on a list. This is your nourishment menu. Put it some place that you will see it often – your work desk, your handbag – and refer to it when you feel low on energy.

Maybe it’s a few deep breaths; maybe it’s taking a 15-minute walk. Remind yourself what feeds your soul and take a few minutes for yourself to get energized. I do want to point out though, that eating the right food can really fuel your body so that you can get in touch with yourself and have the energy to find the nourishment that feeds your soul.

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Top Ten Tips• Cut out or down on caffeine

• Drink more water

• Eat dark leafy green vegetables

• Reduce sugar, use gentle sweets

• Get involved in more physical activities

• Get more rest and relaxation

• Evaluate the amount and type of protein you eat

• Take time for yourself

• Get in touch with your spirituality

• Re-evaluate your relationships

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Sweet Sugar Blues ClassSugar is everywhere. It has not only short-term but also long-term impact on our health and wellbeing. Getting off sugar is not just a matter of “willpower” – there are underlying physiological and emotional causes behind the addiction. I will show you these causes and give you tips on how to counter them.

Know Thy Enemy

Yin/Yang Imbalance

Energy Quick Fix

Stress Management

Nutrient Deficiency

Nourishment for the Soul

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Silent But Deadly – Detox 101 Class

Reducing toxic load means your body doesn’t have to expend energy in

detoxifying and eliminating toxins – meaning more energy for things

that matter. In Detox 101

I discuss how lowering toxic load can increase energy and reduce sugar

cravings for a quick fix. The Detox 101 Class goes into greater depth on

how to detox.

For more information, go to http://www.IntegrativeEssentials.com

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Free 30-minute Strategy Session

Get Support, Take Action

• Private 30-minute, no strings attached

• Discuss health and wellness goals

• Create roadmap to support your goals

• Select a program to help you take action

Sign up and make an appointment, you’ll be glad you did!

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Libby Doubler, CHC, AADP, AHMA

As a certified Health Coach (certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners) and a member in good standing with the American Holistic Medical Association, I am here to share the essentials that bring abundance and vibrancy to life! I have a several programs that allow you to make small painless moves that will eventually lead you to a beautiful place. You’ll be singing Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World” all day long!

• Feel great in the skin you’re in.

• Wake up feeling like it’s going to be a good day.

• Learn how to be good to yourself. Love yourself.

• Watch weight drop off without counting a calorie or carb.

• What will your life look like if you don’t take action to get it back?

Sign up for free strategy session and find out how this works!Copyright © 2012 Libby

