Info on mouth sores


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11 Things About Mouth Sores You Probably

Didn’t Know!

Mouth Sores

Don’t treat mouth sores lightly. They can cause a lot of trouble.

And just so you don’t underestimate them, we have listed the things that you ought to know about mouth sores!


Scared that mouth sore that’s been around for a while is Herpes?

Maybe it is time to find out a bit more and fix an appointment with the dentist…

Herpes on the tongue…

Probably leaves you feeling yuck…?

Well, you can’t help that… But here’s what you CAN HELP!

Herpes home remedies

Herpes is ideally treated by the dentist…

But for a bit of respite, a few home remedies cannot hurt, can they?


That feeling when you want to eat the yummy food in front of you, but the thought of the burn in your mouth makes your eyes water even before you’ve sampled it??

Canker it could be!

Canker sore causes

Did you know – acidic food like lemons and other citrus fruits could cause Canker sores?

And there could be quite a few other causes as well!

Canker sores vs. Herpes

Wait a minute… is it really Canker? Or is it the dreaded Herpes?


Find the difference now!

Canker sores home remedies

But, if you already know about what a pain canker can be and are getting impatient, because you came here looking for ways to be rid of the pain…

Here’s a list of home remedies that work for most!


They are another kind of mouth sores… And they’re just as painful!

So why not find out how you can avoid them as well as how you can deal with them?

Mouth ulcer causes

What causes ulcers?

Stress causes Mouth Ulcers!

Certain foods too… And even giving up smoking does!

Find out all the causes here.

Whether you target the causes, or you visit a dentist…

There are quite a few ways to tackle mouth ulcers!

How to get rid of mouth ulcers
