Kim Solez tech&future of medicine for med students fall 2017


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Kim Solez, MD

Two hours today from Drs. Kim Solez, Gary Goldsand, and Shawna Pandya.

You have received the links to the four hours of teaching we gave last year

The suggestion that we teach you directly about the future like this came from 1st year medical students in 2015, people just like you!

At the end of this 2 hours of teaching, students will be able to:

• Describe some of the ways in which rapid technological change is anticipated to affect the practice of medicine in the next 100 years, with specific reference to artificial intelligence, newly emerging technology and human enhancement.

• Describe the concepts of Moore’s law, exponential change, and the technological singularity

• Discuss some of the ethical issues associated with rapid technological advancement in medicine.

• Students become more flexible in dealing with change in technology and medicine during their careers.

• Students become more informed in considering how changes in medicine may affect their career choices.

• Students develop new ways of thinking about concepts relating to technology.

• Students are empowered to get involved to ensure changes in medicine are positive for patients and for society in general.

The technological singularity occurs as artificial intelligences surpass human beings as the smartest and most capable life forms on the Earth. Technological development is taken over by the machines, who can think, act and communicate so quickly that normal humans cannot even comprehend what is going on. The machines enter into a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, with each new generation of A.I.s appearing faster and faster. From this point onwards, technological advancement is explosive, under the control of the machines, and thus cannot be accurately predicted (hence the term "Singularity"). – Ray Kurzweil

Regulatory oversight that is completely focused on compliance. Discourages risk-taking and innovation.

Health care doesn't have the same financial reward system. Facebook isn't about to pay $1 billion for the latest hot-ticket item in imaging and medical informatics.

Security always has priority over information sharing, and so better, faster linkages are constrained because of security concerns, some of which are bogus.

Acceptance. Share power. The AIs will not all be under

our control. They will compete and cooperate with us

just like other people, except with greater diversity and

Asymmetries. We need to set up mechanisms (social,

legal, political, cultural) to ensure that this works out

well Inevitably, conventional humans will be less

important. Step 1: Lose your sense of entitlement

Step 2: Include AIs in your circle of empathy

Thought provoking for us all!

In past people went sightseeing to avoid regenerative medicine sessions at Cutting Edge of Transplantation meetings (AST).

This year CTRMS is a full partner with CST in just concluded Halifax meeting Sept. 26-29.

Pre-meeting for Banff Transplant Path 2019 in Pittsburgh devoted to Regenerative Medicine/Tissue Engineering Pathology. No escape!

The Future and All That Jazz music and poetry initiative conveying important messages of science will be the main entertainment at the TERMIS-AM meeting in Charlotte, NC with two hours of entertainment at the exhibit area on December 4th and three hours at the NASCAR Hall of Fame on December 5th.

Aviv Regev’s Human Cell Atlas

characterization of all cells in human body by single cell analysis is both promoted and funded via social media (Chan Zuckerberg). If you are not on Facebook you know nothing about it and it will likely be bigger than the human genome project. You may be caught napping!

The challenge of friendly AI becomes just a small part of a much larger challenge of creating a friendly world in which humans still have lives of significance, human history is retained and extended.

We all need to be engaged in ensuring a positive outcome for humanity. The future is ours to shape. We need to get busy doing that!

Part of the imagined future could beone where all disease was eliminated but life was intolerable. Another where the only diseases are from bioterrorism.

All natural disease may be eliminated, leaving

only man-made diseases. But that may leave

as much for physicians to do as there is today!

Challenging responses to bioterrorism and

stem cell technologies.

Focus of medicine no longer disease but

human enhancement, which will extend

beyond the physical to the moral and spiritual.

Social responsibility an important aspect of

medicine and one of the focuses of the course.

“It is the curse of humanity that it learns to tolerate even the most horrible situations by habituation. Physicians are the natural attorneys of the poor, and the social problems should largely be solved by them.”

Medicine is a social science

and politics is nothing but

medicine writ large.

- Rudolf Virchow (1848)

“One point that I think should be emphasized is that the importance of Technology and the future of technology in medical care is not just a concept for 2029 or 2045 - it's important now. We're heading into a very busy profession, with an overwhelming amount of information, and it can be difficult to try to learn how to integrate point of care tools, software & technology into our every day practice while still feeling like we're focusing on the medicine. Difficult, but not impossible. If we keep an open mindset to integrating technology and these tools into our practice, it can actually make us more efficient and help us engage the patient more than we ever could without. The use of AI in our medical practice may still be a few years down the road, but using the data we input into the Electronic Medical Record to run reports is something we can and should do now! It's fascinating to hear about innovations In research and the way technology could be implemented in the future, and it's Important not to lose sight that these principles can still be applied today.”