Kowhai ppt


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The Kowhai tree is also known as:

Sophora microphylla.

It grows yellow flowers hence the name


The kowhai tree shown does not have yellow

flowers as its the month of May.

What can it be used for?

Kowhai tree bark can be used as a remedy to lower high blood pressure

Bruises (Williams, 1996).

How can it be used?

Kowhai tree bark can be prepared for external application to the body and internally consumed.

Kowhai uses

High blood pressure

• The bark is cut off the tree and boiled in a pot of water for 10-20 minutes.

• Take 1 Tablespoon a day.

• You may leave this in the fridge in an air tight container up to 2 weeks.

• Do not take more than the recommended amount as it is possible to have an overdose (R. Smith, personal communication, May 6, 2015).


• According to the Nepia story, All Black George Nepia returned from England in 1924-25 with bruises all over his body. He was informed by his physiotherapist he wasn’t to play that season however on holiday in Dannevirke at the home of his friend Lui Paewai, Lui’s mother said she would cure him.

• She broke a bottle and with the sharp edges lightly scratched the bruises and blood parts.

• She had George get into a warm to hot bath prepared with kowhai bark.

• This procedure was repeated for a few days and, a week or so later, George palyed football again.

• True story (Williams, 1996).


Williams, P.M.E. (1996). Te Rongoa Maori. Hong Kong: Reed Publishers.
