Matthew Ludwick - 10 Tips For Getting Into the Fitness State of Mind


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10 Tips For Getting Into the “Fitness” Mindset

By Matthew Ludwick

1. Be consistent

If you can stay consistent, even if it isn’t anything more than walking a mile every day, then you’ll be able to maintain a successful weight-loss regimen. Many people who have lost weight say that the secret was doing it every single day; if you can’t keep at it then even the best exercise program will be worthless.

2. Follow an effective exercise routine

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) recently surveyed 1,000 ACE-certified personal trainers about the best techniques for getting fit.

Their top three suggestions were 1) interval training (switching between speeds and intensities for your workout), 2) strength training (not more than a couple times a week), and 3) increased cardio-aerobic exercise (60 minutes or more a day).

3. Be realistic

If you strive for an impossible goal, then you’ll end up getting discouraged and won’t be able to complete your regimen. Instead, try to focus on increasing healthy behaviors; don’t worry if you can’t run a 5K, just make it a habit to walk 15 minutes a day and from there continue to add time, distance and intensity to your workout.

4. Use a buddy system

Find a friend or family member you trust that also wants to establish a healthier lifestyle. Use this as an opportunity to encourage each other, enjoy each other’s company and strengthen your relationship.

5. Accommodate your life

If you have a busy schedule that makes it too hard for you to regularly go to the gym, then find a plan that can fit your lifestyle. You don’t need fancy exercise gear and gyms to get fit.

If you’ve got floor space, for example, just try simple floor exercises to target various parts of the body, and aim for 10-12 repetitions of each exercise.

6. Be happy

Make sure that you pick an activity that you actually enjoy doing; if you hate doing a workout, then you’ll be less likely to want to keep doing it. In that same vein, choose something that’s convenient for you.

7. Watch the clock

Keep an eye on your body clock, and work out whenever you have the most energy. If you’re a morning person, schedule your activity during the morning, and if you’re more of a night-owl, schedule your workout for later in the day.

8. Ask a pro

When you’re first getting started, it might be a good idea to have a professional assess what types of exercise you need most.

9. Find inspiration

Fitness really is a state of mind. To stay motivated, listen to other people talking about their successes.

10. Be patient

You need to realize that there will always be ups, downs, victories, setbacks and plateaus. So be patient, don’t give up and you’ll start to see some solid results.
