Monitoring Your Weight During Pregnancy With Calculator


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Monitoring Your Weight During Pregnancy with Calculator

Weight gain is a common condition during pregnancy. It is normal and you need not bother if you are gaining weight during pregnancy. However, you need to keep a track of the amount of weight you are gaining and make sure that it is within the average limit. Here, you will get information of pregnancy weight gain calculator. It is a calculator that can be used to calculate the amount of weight that you have gained and would also tell you if it is safe to have that amount of gain in weight in comparison to the time you have been pregnant. A model of a pregnancy weight gain calculator is provided below. The calculator asks you to enter the following details and then it calculates your estimated natural gain in weight.

Pre-pregnancy weight


Enter height inches/meter

Teen mother yes/no

Expecting mother yes/no

Pre-pregnancy BMI

The amount of weight gained differs from one woman to other and may also differ from one pregnancy period to other. This calculator just takes some details regarding your weight, height, BMI, etc., and finds an average and general amount of weight that you should gain in such a condition. If you are having weight greater than the average amount that means that you are getting overweight and it may cause some health issues may be during pregnancy or after the delivery of the baby. Similarly, gaining lesser than the average weight gain for you is also not considered as normal but yet that cannot be considered as an unhealthy condition. If you ask the exact amount of weight that you must gain during pregnancy, the answer would be that it actually varies and there is no exact data for that. Just being in the range of a certain amount of weight would be fine.

Weight gain is obvious in such a condition as you are carrying your baby in your womb. On the other hand, it is also important for your baby and you too. The amount of weight that you have during pregnancy depends much on the amount of weight that you had before conception. You can use a pregnancy weight gain calculator to find out the estimated weight during pregnancy. So, how much weight should you gain due to pregnancy? In general, it is said that a weight gain of 12.5 kg is safe and normal, but weight gain in the range of 11 – 16 kgs is also considered as safe. You may now have a question in your mind that what actually causes weight gain in such period. Obvious enough, just the baby cannot weigh that much. Here is a list of factors that lead to weight gain.

Baby 3 –3.5kg

placenta .5-1 kg

Amniotic fluid 1kg

Uterus 1 kg

Breast tissue increase 1 kg

Increase in blood 1.5 kg

Increase in fluids 1 kg

Fat stores in mother's body

3.5 kg

In conditions were women gain a large amount of weight, the maximum of the weight gain is due to the fat stores. Losing these fat stores is harder than any other type of weight loss. Maximum of the weight gained during pregnancy is stored around the stomach and this is the reason it carries risk for various health issues. You can calculate your weight with pregnancy weight gain calculator.
