My cancer ppt


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Introduction to cancer

In this section you will learn what is cancer ….

Cancer – a large group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells

Neoplasm – new growth of tissue that serves no physiological function

Tumor – clumping of neo-plasmic cells Malignant - cancerous Benign - noncancerous Biopsy – microscopic examination of cell


What Is Cancer?

Metastasis – malignant tumors that are not enclosed in a protective capsule have the ability to spread to other organs

Mutant cells – disruption of RNA and DNA within normal cells may produce cells that differ in form, quality and function from the normal cell

What Is Cancer? – cont.

Carcinomas (cells that cover internal and external body surfaces)

Types of Cancers



BladderProstate (Men)

Leukemia(Blood Cells)Lymphomas(Lymph nodes &tissues)

SarcomasCells in supportive tissues – bones & muscles

Signs and symptoms of cancer

In this section you will get to know the signs and symptoms of cancer…

Change in bowel habits or bladder functions

Sores that do not heal Unusual bleeding or discharge Lumps or thickening of parts of the body Indigestion or difficulty swallowing Recent change in wart or mole Persistent coughing or hoarseness

Signs and Symptoms of Cancer

Causes of cancerIn this section you will learn the factors that cause cancer…

What Causes Cancer?



Family History

Cancer arises from the mutation of a normal gene. Mutated genes that cause cancer are called

oncogenes. It is thought that several mutations need to occur

to give rise to cancer Cells that are old or not functioning properly

normally self destruct and are replaced by new cells.

However, cancerous cells do not self destruct and continue to divide rapidly producing millions of new cancerous cells.

What causes cancer?

Lifestyle Risks Smoking

Diet high fat and low infruits and vegetables

Lack of exercise

Unprotected exposure to the sun, (UV) rays


Inherited Risks Less than 15% of

cancers are inherited Gene mutations are

linked to some inherited cancers

Cancers that may be caused by inherited gene mutations are:◦ Colon cancer◦ Breast cancer◦ Ovarian◦ Prostate cancer◦ Skin cancer

Environmental Risks

Second hand smoke Air pollution Industrial pollution Chemical exposures

Skin Cancer The ABCD’s of melanoma (skin


◦ Asymmetry: one half is not like the other

◦ Border: the edges are jagged or irregular

◦ Color: the color is varied, tan, red, black etc.

◦ Diameter: the diameter is larger than 8mm (the top of a pencil eraser)





Ionising radiation – X Rays, UV light

Chemicals – Tar from cigarettes

Virus infection – Papilloma virus can be responsible for cervical cancer.

Hereditary predisposition – Some families are more susceptible to getting certain cancers. Remember you can’t inherit cancer its just that you maybe more susceptible to getting it.


Being overweight or obese increases risk of several cancers including colon and breast

Two – thirds of men and half of women in Britain are overweight

An estimated 13,000 cases of cancer could be prevented each year in the UK if no one had BMI greater than 25

Overweight, Obesity and Cancer Risk

Sodium nitrate when ingested forms a potential carcinogen, nitrosamine

Sodium nitrate is still used because it is effective in preventing botulism

Pesticide and herbicide residues

Chemicals In Foods


Factors Believed to Contribute to Global Causes of Cancer

Incidence MortalityTotal Cancer

12 Million 7.6 Million

Developed Countries 5.4 Million 2.9 Million

Developing Countries

6.7 Million 4.7 Million



Developed Developing Developed Developing

Prostate Lung Breast Breast

Lung Stomach * Colorectal Cervix *

Colorectal Liver * Lung Stomach *

* Related to Infection

All the three common cancers above ( both developed & Developing) are also leading causes of cancer death.15 % of all cancers – infection related ( 3 times more in developing countries)

Deaths from infectious diseases Childhood mortality Longevity Adoption of Western Life style

◦ Cigarette Smoking◦ Higher consumption of saturated fat◦ Consumption of Calorie dense foods◦ Physical activity

Survival rates poorer in developing countries (lack of availability of early detection and treatment services)


Estimated Population : 1,048 million Estimated New Cancer Cases : 9.50 lakhs

4.3 Males 5.2 Females

Estimated Tobacco Related Cancer : 2,66,000 Estimated Breast Cancer : 1,15,251 Estimated Cervix Cancer : 1,34,420 (27% of world burden)


Avoiding Cancer..In this section you will see how cancer can be prevented..

Avoid Smoking or Chewing Tobacco

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the US

Second hand smoke affects everyone

Fruits and Vegetables Decrease Cancer Risks

Cancer rates could decline by up to 20% if everyone consumed 5 fruits and vegetables a day!*

Cancer fighting substances:◦ Antioxidants◦ Dietary fiber◦ Arytenoids◦ Flavanoids

*American Institute for Cancer Research, 1998.

Limit Alcohol to No More Than

Men – 2 drinks per day

Women - 1 drink per day

Reduce Your Skin Exposure to the Sun

Limit time outside, between 10 a.m. & 4 p.m.

Wear protective clothing. Use wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses.

Prevent sunburns, especially for children under 18. Use waterproof sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher. Reapply as directed.

Avoid tanning beds.

Be Active…Often Exercise for 30 minutes

or more at least 4 days a week.

186,550The number of lives that could be saved each year if we ate a

healthy diet and exercised regularly186,550

The number of lives that could be saved each year with

no tobacco

Thank you !